Nina Nina

Speaking lesson
A2 level


Abc Meaning/matching

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced speaking for fluency in the context of suggesting best partners for the main heroine of a reality show.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • Learners will also have practised reading for general understanding (gist) in the context of a dialogue between two friends analysing a participant of a reality show.
  • • Learners will have practised reading for general understanding (gist) in the context of a profile of the main heroine of the project.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Start the lesson by showing ss the pictures of some famous reality shows. Ask them what these pictures have in common. (slide 2) Ask ss whether they know the shows, if they've ever watched them and maybe they have their favourite one. - "Guys, look at the pictures and tell me what do they have in common? Have you watched any of the shows? Do you have any favourite ones?"

Exposure (7-9 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Tell ss that today you are going to talk about on specific reality show. But firstly, you will show them the pictures and they will try to guess what the show is about. (slide 3) Tell them they will work together. Give them 3 minutes and ask to guess what the idea of the show is and what is going on there. - "Today we're going to talk about one specific reality show. I'm gonna show you the pictures that are connected with the show and you will try to guess what this show is about. OK? You work together. you have 3 minutes." Listen to students ideas and then give them the information about the show. Explain that they are going to meet the main characters - Sara and Emily. They are friends and Emily decided to take part in a reality show in order to find a partner. Show ss Emily's profile. (slide 4-5). Give ss 2 minutes to look through the profile. Ask them to work individually and tick the phrases that characterise Emily. Show the answers on the slide. (slide 6) - "Guys, I'm gonna show you two girls - Emily and Sara, they are friends. Emily is 29 and she is single. Sara advised her to take part in a reality show in order to find a partner. Let's look at Emily's profile. This is the list of phrases. You need to read the profile quickly and tick the phrases that you think characterise Emily. You do it alone and you have 4 minutes. Let's check together." Tell ss that they are going to read the dialogue between Emily and Sara and answer the questions. There is a rose ceremony at the end of the week and Emily needs to choose the guy who's going to leave the project. (slide 7) Check the answers together. - "Guys, I'm gonna show you a dialogue between Emily and Sara discussing a guy's profile. There is a rose ceremony at the end of the week and Emily needs to choose one guy who's going to leave the project. Read the dialogue alone and then think of the answers to the questions. You have 3 minutes. You do it individually."

Useful Language (11-13 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

(slide 8) Show ss the dialogue and ask them to find the phrases with 2 functions - comparing ideas and agreeing/disagreeing. Ask them to do it individually. Give them 2 minutes. - " Look at the dialogue once again. We're going to work with some phrases from it but for now I will ask you to find these phrases individually. Try to find phrases with these functions - comparing ideas and agreeing/disagreeing. You have examples. Do it alone. You have 2 minutes." Ask ss to say some of the phrases. - "Which phrases have you found?" Check together. Show ss the answers. (slide 9) Tell ss they are going to match these phrases to their functions. Give them the link. Give them 2 minutes to do the task individually. (slide 10) - "Guys, you are going to match these phrases to their functions. Here is the link. You have 2 minutes to do the task individually." Show ss the answers on the slide. (slide 11-12) Very briefly work with the form, pronunciation and appropriacy. Elicit some information from ss. (slides 13-16)

Productive Task(s) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

(slide17) Tell ss that tomorrow is the next rose ceremony and Emily needs to choose one more guy who's going to leave the project. Tell them they need to imagine they are Emily's friends. Tell them they will have 1 guy per each pair. They will need to role-play a dialogue. Explain that they will need to mention the reasons for this guy to leave and to stay. Choose one student and do a demo. - "Tomorrow is the next rose ceremony. So, Emily needs to choose one guy who’s going to leave the project. She asked her friends to help her. Work together and role-play a conversation between two friends of Emily. a) You have 1 guy per pair. b) Give the reasons for the guy to stay or to leave." Put students in bout rooms and give them 5 minutes. then regroup them and tell them to discuss both of the guys from different pairs and choose one who's the best candidate to leave the project. - "Guys, now you work with different partner. Give each other information about the guy you were discussing and choose 1 that is the best candidate to leave the project."

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Ask ss which guy they chose and ask them to give the reasons. - "So, which guy have you chosen? Who's gonna leave the project and why?" Compliment students on interesting discussions. Share examples of speech that is good, incorrect, and that can be reformulated. Elicit from students whether each example is correct. Provide corrections and model/drill pronunciation if necessary.

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