Describing towns and cities
Intermediate B2 level
Main Aims
Develop and expand students' vocabulary related to describing places using the targeted words like (industrial area - peaceful - spectacular - border - docks - historical - cosmopolitan –polluted- old fashioned)
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of describtion words
Procedure (33-45 minutes)
I will start by presenting an image which shows the life in cities, towns and villages then start a discussion for 3 minutes.
let the students try to solve fill in blank question using targeted words form the lesson
Start eliciting the words which students couldn't understand and provide them with clear images, examples and the correct pronunciation for each word.
Check that the students understood the meaning for each word and how to use it with a second task of multiple choice questions.
let the students write a description of a place they have chosen using some guiding words like. ( peaceful - spectacular - scenery -docks -historical - cosmopolitan –polluted- old fashioned)