Medhat Medhat

what is important ( Reading)
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about personal possessions and what is important to everyone through guided discovery based on a reading text about a young man and his grandma. The lesson starts with a discussion about what's person's favorite things. This is followed by a reading text where students read and relate important possessions of Alan and his grandma. Finally, there is some controlled practice and the lesson ends with a freer practice via speaking activity.


Abc face2face elementary by Chris Redston with Gillie Cunningham

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practised reading for specific information and detail in the context of personal possessions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of what important belongings a person can have.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Greet the students and introduce the theme of the day: "Belongings and What Matters" 2- Show students a watch and tell them that it belongs to your brother so it's important to him. 3- Ask students " do you usually take your brother's personal stuff?", then say of course they get angry in a funny way. finally say "because it's their personal possessions". 4- In the Zoom chat, instruct students to type as many things as they can think of that might be important to someone. "encourage quick responses, and let the ideas flow". ICQ - where will you write the items? 5- Encourage a good student to grab an item from their space and show it on camera and to tell the others why it is important to them. 6- Ask the student to nominate another colleague and ask him about one of their favorite items written in the chat box. 7- Thank everyone for their participation and briefly connect the activity to the lesson's theme, expressing excitement for exploring the importance of belongings in today's reading.

Pre-Reading (6-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1- Display two photos on the screen – one of Alan and one of his grandma. 2- Ask students to observe the photos and write down what important things they think Alan and his grandma might have. ICQ - Are you going to work alone or in group? - Will you write or speak? - How many minutes will you spend? 3- Divide student into groups and ask them to share their lists in the breakout rooms. 4- Return students to the main room and don't share the answers with them till the next step.

While-Reading #1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1- Display the photos of Alan and Mary along with their respective texts. 2- Instruct students to read the text quickly and identify the belongings mentioned. ICQ - will you read slowly or quickly. 3- Present a comprehensive question with three answer options related to the belongings of Alan and Mary. 4- Ask students to take a screenshot and get ready to share their answers in the breakout rooms. 5- Show the slide with this information "What important belongings are mentioned by Alan and Mary in their lives?" a) An old car, a mobile, an old computer, and a big TV; an expensive watch, a diary, a new bicycle, and a cat b) A pet elephant, a spaceship, and a family photo; a cherished book, an old car, and an expensive watch c) An old computer, a big TV, and a family photo; a cherished book, a new bicycle, and a cat 6- After students return from the breakout rooms, mark the right answer (A) and ask students whether they chose it or not.

While-Reading #2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

1- Instruct students to read the texts carefully to answer the related questions. 2- show the slide of the questions and ask students to take screenshot to check them while reading. The Questions: 1- Alan's ____ isn't very fast, but he loves it because ________. 2- Alan's mobile is essential because it contains ________, including friends' phone numbers, photos, and music. 3- Alan finds his old computer important, especially for ________. 4- The big TV in Alan's room is crucial because he loves ________. Mary's Text: 5- Mary's watch is very expensive, and it's a gift from ________. 6- Mary's diary is important to her, while her husband, Ben, prefers ________. 7- Mary's new bicycle is significant because ________ since they don't have a car. 8- Lily is Mary's ________, and she holds a special place in their lives. ICQ: - How many questions will you answer? - Will you read one text or two? - How many minutes will you spend? 3- Divide students in breakout room to share the answers. 4- react to students answers and give prober feedback.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1- introduce the guessing game to students. 2- Explain the rules of the game. A- Each student will think of an important belonging they have and provide three clues about it without revealing the item. B- Other students will take turns guessing the item based on the given clues. ICQ: - Will you say the important belonging? - How many information will you provide? - Will you write or speak? 3- Divide students in the breakout rooms and monitor their participation. 5- Return students from the breakout rooms and provide feedback.

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