Zhina Zhina

Pre intermediate level


In this lesson the students will learn about past simple and past continues. This lesson I will be taught in ppp method which starts with warming up and preparing the class for the new lesson, presentation, practice, and finally production.


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Past simple past continuous exercise 1 HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past simple and past continuous in the context of daily activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Debate in the context of daily activities


primary (3-5 minutes) • start warming up

after greeting with the students I will be calling the roles and then engage and start warming up.

warming up and leading in (4-6 minutes) • using the grammar in context

to tell a story using simple past and past continuous and then ask the students some questions and give some examples for them to be involved in the class

review (2-4 minutes) • review the related topic

to give the students a short review of the related topic: regular and irregular verbs

presentation (12-15 minutes) • to teach the students the main subject of this session

I will be putting some pictures on the board and teach them past simple and past continuous while engaging with them.

students book practice pt.1 (10-12 minutes)

I will give the students time to do the practice on page 22 and then ask some questions. after that I will play the cd for them to check their answers.

students book practice pt.2 (10-12 minutes)

I will give the students time to do the practice on page 23 and then ask some questions. after that I will play the cd for them to check their answers.

drilling (8-10 minutes) • practicing today`s grammar

I will give each student a hand out and give them time to do it in pair. after a few minutes I will check the answers.

production (10-15 minutes)

In this stage I give the students some words and ask them to use all of them in simple past and past continuous in a context. I will give them a few minutes and then ask 2-3 students to read their text.

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