Hedaa Hany Hedaa Hany

LP 3
Elementary A2 level


Abc textbook

Main Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice of weather and season vocab

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a weather and season vocab


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

warmer: - Hello guys, how are you? - Everything is good? - Great, tell me how was your day? - Tell me something special about your day or your week. - If ss didn’t start, I'll start sharing. lead in (I added questions to make communicative) - You have here 4 questions. (modeling) - Discuss them in pairs and try to find something interesting about your. - You have 5 mins ICQs - So, will you do it individually or in pairs? ss they in pairs - How many mins? ss say 5 - dividing ss into pairs while giving the handouts. -After they finish ask ss if they found something interesting about their partner.

Test #1 (5-6 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Test (1): EX: 2 - So, you have some pictures here (modeling) - Individually, match the words in the box with the pictures - You have 3 mins - So, will you do it alone or in pairs? ss say alone - How many mins? ss say 3 - and you may find new words it's okay don't worry. we will learn them. - After they finish I say: check in pairs - check from the screen.

Teach (10-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

I teach: (foggy - warm and hot - cool and cold - wet) 1) Foggy: - Look at the photo. What do you see? - Is it easy for you to see the road and the trees? ss say no - Looks like there is a cloud that makes it difficult for you to see right? - So, do you know how do we describe that weather in one word? - We say it’s foggy - Foggy means like there is a fake cloud which makes it difficult for you to see - So, if it’s foggy. Can you see the street well? ss say no - Okay, do you think it’s safe to drive in that weather? ss say no - Drilling - Showing the form 2) Hot and warm: (as a comparison) - Look at the photo here. - What do you think? - Is the temperature high or low? ss say high - But is it too high? ss say no. - So, do you think we can accept it? ss say yes - So, how do we describe a weather like that.. Do you know? - It's warm. - So, warm is a high temperature, but in an acceptable way. We can say as usual ( high as usual) - So, is warm a high or low temperature? ss say high - Is it too high or high as usual? ss say as usual - Drilling (just for one time or twice max) - Showing the form - Now look at this one. - It's a high temperature, right? - Now, is it too high? ss say yes - So, it’s......(eliciting) ... then I say: it’s hot - So, when it’s hot, is the temperature high as usual or higher than usual? ss say higher - Do you think it is easy for us to accept it? ss say no - So, it’s hot - Showing the form - So, in summer in Egypt. Is it warm or hot? ss say warm - What about in Dubai? ss say it’s hot - What about Sudan? ss say it’s hot 3) Cool & cold: (as a comparison) - Look at the photos here - Is the temperature low or high? ss say low - So, Is it too low or it’s just low? ss say just low - So, do you think it's a low temperature that we can accept? Ss say it’s okay - So, do you know what do we call it? How to describe it in one word? - It's cool - So, if it’s cool. Is the temperature high or low? ss say low - Is it too low or in an acceptable way? ss say acceptable way - so, it's a low temperature but in a good way. - Drilling ( for 2 times) - Showing (writing on the board) What about the second photo? - The temperature is low right? - But now, is it too low? ss say yes - So, do you think it's easy for us to accept it? ss say no - So, now it’s.....(trying to elicit).. I say it's cold - drilling - showing the form - So, winter in Egypt is cool or cold? ss say cool - What about winter in Turkey...... cool or cold? ss say cold - so, any questions? 4) Wet: - Look at the photo. What do you think? - There is water on the ground, right? ss say yes - So, do you think it was raining? say yes - Yes, so it’s raining. There is water on the ground. - Do you know how do we describe it? - We say it’s...... I say it’s wet. - Wet describes weather when it’s raining. When rain falls. - So, if i said yesterday was a wet day. - Do you think it was raining or? ss say raining. - Do you think it was raining just for 5 mins or long hours? ss say long hours -So, we say it’s wet. - Drilling - Showing the form - so, any questions?

Test #2 (3-5 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Test (2): - (modeling) now, individually read those statements - and complete them with the words in the box. - you have 3 mins ICQS - so, individually or in pairs? ss say individually - will you write any word or just from he box? ss say just from the box - how many mins? ss say 3 mins. after ss finish ask them to check in pairs then, check from the screen.

Free practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Now, you have here some questions. - Answer them in pairs - And try to find something you have in common with your friend. - You have 5 mins - So, will you just answer or try to find something in common? ss say: try to find something in common - How many mins? ss say 5 - Content feedback - Language feedback

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