Saeedeh Saeedeh


Abc tactics for listening lesson 19
Abc slides + board

Main Aims

  • for students to be able to communicate when they go shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • learning related words, improve gist and detailed listening skills


engage (10-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. t shows a picture of a mall with people shopping in and asks them where that place is and what people are doing. 2. t ask students if they like shopping and what they bought the last time they went shopping. 3. teaching key vocab: jewelry store, bookstore, drugstore, clothing store, grocery store, sporting goods store, stationery store. t shows pictures 4. t reads the words and asks students to repeat after her first chorally and then individually. 5. t put words and their parts of speech on the board.

study (10-15 minutes)

1. ss listen to the audio and number the pictures in listening 1 2. ss check answers in pair. 3. ss check answers with class. 4. ss listen to audio and answer task one in listening two 5. ss check answers with class 6. ss listen to the audio again and answer questions in task two. 7. ss check answers in pair. 8. ss check answers in class 9. ss listen to the audio and answer task one in listening three 10. ss check answers in pair 11. ss check answers with class

activation one (5-10 minutes)

1. 9. ss are given the script to the listening 3, and the audio will played once more. 2. ss match the highlighted words with their definitions 3. ss check answers in pair 4. ss check answers in class

activation two (5-8 minutes)

1. in pairs: q. what is the most interesting thing you bought? why do you think it is interesting? where did you buy it from? 2. ss share their experiences with class

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