Nina Nina

Functional lesson
A2 level


Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced and revised functional language used for making suggestions, discussing problems and conclusions in the context of opening a new cafe.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learners will also have practised reading for general understanding (gist) in the context of a meeting about opening a new cafe
  • Learners will also have practised their fluency for speaking in the freer practice conversation about opening a new cafe


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Tell ss you're going to start the class by watching the video. - " Guys, we will start from watching the video. This video is connected with the topic of today's class. Now we watch, then I ask some questions." Watch the video. (slide 2) Show students slide 3 and ask questions. - " What is the place in this clip? Does the girl have this cafe or just dream about opening a cafe? Would you like to have/open your own cafe/restaurant? Why? Why not? Imagine, you want to open your cafe. What are the things you need to think about?"

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Tell students that they are going to read a dialogue between people who want to open their own cafe. Tell them they have 2 minutes to read it individually and very quickly. - "Guys, now you will read the dialogue about people who want to open their own cafe. You read it individually, you read it quickly, you have 2 minutes." (slide 4) ICQ Do you need to understand every word? Or you just read quickly? How much time do you have? Ask ss to work together and discuss 3 questions after the text. Give them 2 minutes. ICQ Do you work with your partners? How much time do you have? What do you need to do? T conducts OCFB, ask some students what they have discussed. -Scripted transition: Now let's work with the language from this dialogue.

Highlighting (2-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Tell students to look at the dialogue one more time. Show them slide 6. Tell them they will need to find the phrases that have one of the functions from the slide. tell them that there are some examples of the phrases. Tell them they're going to work individually and they will have 3 minutes. - "Guys, look at the dialogue. There are a lot of phrases with different functions. Look at these three functions - making suggestions, discussing problems, discussing conclusions. You have examples of the phrases. Now you will work individually. Try to find the phrases that have one of these functions - making suggestions, discussing problems, discussing conclusions. You have 3 minutes. ICQ Do you need to find these phrases or phrases with the same function? Do you work individually? Show slide 7 with highlighted phrases. Ask ss whether they found any of the highlighted phrases. - "Did you guys find any of the phrases that I highlighted?"

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

slide 8 Send students the link to the wordwall. Tell them they are going to work individually and they will need to match the phrases according to their meanings. - "Guys, now you work with the phrases from the dialogue. You have the link. You have 3 functions. Work individually and match the phrases to their functions. You have 3 minutes." slide 9 Show ss the answers. slide 10 Ask CCQs to check that ss understand the meaning of the phrases. slide 11-16 Work with the Form slide 17 - 18 Work on pronunciation slide 19 - 20 Work on appropriacy.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

slide 21 Tell students they are going to practise the phrases. Send them the link, ask to work individually and complete the sentences with the correct words. Demo the first one if needed. - "Guys, now you will check how you remembered the phrases. There is the link. Open it. Work individually. Put the words into the sentences. Submit the answers at the end. You have 3-4 minutes." ICQ Do you need to work alone?

Free Practice (15-17 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Tell the ss they are going to work together in groups. The task is to imagine they are going to open a new cafe. They will need to think of a location, a name, which food to serve, some decorations inside. Ask them to use the phrases and give them some questions that will help them to have a dialogue. Give them 8 minutes. - "Guys, You need to organise a meeting to open a a new cafe (use a dialogue as an example.) Think of a location, a name, which food to serve, some decorations inside. Use the phrases and the questions as helpers. Work together. You have 8 minutes." ICQ Do you work together? What are the things you need to decide about the cafe? Do you need to use the phrases? Ask ss to share what they discussed. If there are 2 bout rooms or more ask them to imagine that they are investors and they need to vote for the best cafe-project. Ask some students which project they would choose to invest the money in, ask them to give the reasons. - "Now, let's imagine that you are investors and you need to choose the best project for investing the money. Which project would you choose and why?" Compliment students on interesting discussions. Share examples of speech that is good, incorrect, and that can be reformulated. Elicit from students whether each example is correct. Provide corrections and model/drill pronunciation if necessary. (extra)Ask students what they liked about the class. - "Which activity did you like most of all?"

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