Gökhan Gökhan

CAR Session 1 (Gap Fillers)
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about different types of gap fillers and the correct usage of them in their speaking activities. The lesson starts with a video of a famous celebrity. This is followed by a brain storming session. After the brain storming session students will see some gap fillers and their usages in the ppt. Finally there is a production part where students will see two pictures and describe it using some gap fillers that they've learnt through the lesson.


Abc CAR Session 1 PPT

Main Aims

  • To provide students the correct usage of different gap fillers, showing some examples and allowing them to practice it in the practice stage.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To assist students in their production of language in the spoken assesment which is conducted at the end of the term.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows Ss the first page of the PPT and asks lead in questions. * What can we do to speak well? * What can be possible problems during speaking?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To expose students the focus of the session.

T shows PPT p.3 and asks the question and plays the video. After the video, Ss discuss the question in pairs. T monitors and gives feedback as required. After students discuss, T encourages students to share their ideas.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T shows the table of gap fillers on p.4 and p.5 and explains them. After the explanation, T exemplifies the fillers given in the table. * "Well, you see, the thing is, um, I couldn't find my keys anywhere." * "I tried calling her, but, uh, she didn't pick up." * "I met him, like, uh, two years ago at that conference." * "The movie was, um, directed by Christopher Nolan, I think."

Demonstration of a Desired Production (5-8 minutes) • To show students proper demonstration of the gap fillers.

T reminds the Ss of the previous table of gap fillers and requests them to locate these fillers in the video. T plays the video, Ss take notes, after the video, Ss compare their answers in pairs, T takes feedback from some students. T asks Ss to compare the first video with the current one in terms of fluency. * Which video sounded more natural? Why? * What do you think about this video in terms of fluency?

Productive Practice Stage (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T shows Ss p.7. T introduces the productive activity to exercise freshly learnt gap-fillers. T elicits if there are any questions from the students. T gives these instructions. *Get in pairs, you will work with your partner in turns. *You will have 1 min to prepare for picture description. After your preparation, the first start picture description. It takes 90 seconds. *During your speech, try to use gap fillers when necessary. *The other student should take notes of the gap fillers used by the speaker. *Then take turns.

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