CAR Session 1 (Gap Fillers)
Pre-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide students the correct usage of different gap fillers, showing some examples and allowing them to practice it in the practice stage.
Subsidiary Aims
To assist students in their production of language in the spoken assesment which is conducted at the end of the term.
Procedure (34-45 minutes)
T shows Ss the first page of the PPT and asks lead in questions. * What can we do to speak well? * What can be possible problems during speaking?
T shows PPT p.3 and asks the question and plays the video. After the video, Ss discuss the question in pairs. T monitors and gives feedback as required. After students discuss, T encourages students to share their ideas.
T shows the table of gap fillers on p.4 and p.5 and explains them. After the explanation, T exemplifies the fillers given in the table. * "Well, you see, the thing is, um, I couldn't find my keys anywhere." * "I tried calling her, but, uh, she didn't pick up." * "I met him, like, uh, two years ago at that conference." * "The movie was, um, directed by Christopher Nolan, I think."
T reminds the Ss of the previous table of gap fillers and requests them to locate these fillers in the video. T plays the video, Ss take notes, after the video, Ss compare their answers in pairs, T takes feedback from some students. T asks Ss to compare the first video with the current one in terms of fluency. * Which video sounded more natural? Why? * What do you think about this video in terms of fluency?
T shows Ss p.7. T introduces the productive activity to exercise freshly learnt gap-fillers. T elicits if there are any questions from the students. T gives these instructions. *Get in pairs, you will work with your partner in turns. *You will have 1 min to prepare for picture description. After your preparation, the first start picture description. It takes 90 seconds. *During your speech, try to use gap fillers when necessary. *The other student should take notes of the gap fillers used by the speaker. *Then take turns.