Jocelyn McDonald Jocelyn McDonald

TP5-Functional Language
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice and revise functional language to ask for advice and apologize. The lesson begins with questions about house guests. It is followed by a gist activity for the model conversation text, and identifying the key phrases. These key phrases are extracted from the text and clarified for MFAP, before students check their accuracy in the controlled practice exercise. After, students discuss different house guest scenarios in role plays. Finally, lesson ends with peer feedback on the speaking activity.


Abc Google Slides
Abc Speak Out- Intermediate
Abc Controlled Practice
Abc Meaning- Google Forms
Abc Exposure

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced and revised functional language used for advice and to apologize, in the context of being a good guest.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will practise their fluency for speaking in the freer practice conversation about asking for advice and apologizing, using real life scenarios.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share Google Slides- pictures of guests with 2 questions. -T demos answer. -Learners discuss their ideas together in OCFB, 2 mins.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss will be asked to read 6 very short conversations for the main idea, and decide what they are about. T-gives instructions and asks them not to submit it. T- asks ICQ’s: 1. Do you think you need to read slowly or quickly for the main idea? Quickly. 2. How long do you have? 1 minute. 3. Do you work individually or with a partner? Individually. T- share link to Google Forms to chat box. Ss-read the following conversations: After, Ss answer: “What is the main idea?” for gist. They will choose one of two choices at the end of the conversations. For the intensive stage, Ss asked to identify the phrases that helped them decide. They should identify 5 questions for advice and 2 apology phrases. They can compare answers (if 4 or more students they can compare via chat) and then we will have OCFB. T - can share answer slide from Google Slides, if needed.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T conducts OCFB and covers MPFA for advice and apologizing as a good guest, as taken from the 6 model conversations. MEANING: - T shares Google form 'Choose the correct meaning' - Instruction: answer individually. You have 1 min. ICQ: Are you working individually or in pairs? (individually) - Learners match meaning of phrases to correct options (4 choices) - T demos completing one answer before the students begin. -After, T shares correct answer on screen from Google Slides and does OCFB, as necessary. FORM -T displays googles slides, form slide, highlights fixed/semi-fixed expressions, elicits different what part of speech comes after each phrase, and therefore what could also be said for the un-fixed expressions. - T demos, elicits answers, writes possible substitutions. -T shows completed substitution slide, if necessary. APPROPRIACY -T displays Google Slides with a cline to elicit the type of language. -T asks 'Are any of these phrases informal?' (or formal or neutral?) PRONUNCIATION -T displays Google Slides pronunciation slide with some IPA symbols on it already. -T reads and drills sentences chorally and individually. -T elicits linking sounds, stressed(content) words, and rising or falling intonation of target language. -T shows completed pronunciation slide, if necessary.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss complete 6 word order sentences for either question/statement or response. T- explains the next task. Instructions: complete word order task. -T demos first answer -You have 2 minutes to answer by yourself. Do not submit. -ICQ: Are you working in pairs or individually? (individually) -ICQ: Do you need to submit your answer? (No) -Ss read and answer individually, 2 mins. -Ss can then compare answers for 2 minutes (use BOR if 4 or more students). -T shares answers on screen. -T conducts OCFB, highlights and elicits reasons for any of the incorrect answers.

Free Practice (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T shares 2 “good guest” scenarios on the screen. T models an answer. Ss are given 8 minutes to discuss what they would do (In BOR if 4 or more students). ICQs: Individually or in partners? Is it a Speaking or Writing task? Speaking

DEC Feedback (3-4 minutes)

T will write 3 examples of errors. (Ideally one per student). *have Google docs open to type what heard and then copy/paste onto Whiteboard* T will elicit corrections by highlighting specific parts of the sentences.

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