Yajaira Guerrero Yajaira Guerrero

Discuss skills, abilities, and qualifications
Intermediate B1+ level


Abc Cards
Abc Listening worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of skills, abilities, and qualifications in the context of work or study

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a notepad in the context of own qualifications
  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about an interview in the context of at an international job fair
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of qualifications


Warmer/Lead-in (10-12 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T shows SS a video about a job interview and at the end of the video T asks the following questions: 6.1. What was the video about? (a job interview) 6.2. Can you identify the main characters in the job interview scene? What roles do they play? 6.3. Were there any specific language elements or phrases used in the scene that you found interesting or humorous? 2. T prepares a set of cards with job interview-related words and phrases. Include words like "resume," "skills," "qualifications," "interviewer," "confidence," etc. 3. T distributes the cards to SS. 4. T asks students to walk around the room and find a partner with a card that complements their own (e.g., "resume" and "interviewer" or "skills" and "qualifications"). 5. Once SS have paired up, T asks each pair to discuss the following questions: 5.1. What is the meaning of the word you and your partner share? 5.2. How is the word on your cards are related to job interviews? 5.3. Have you had any experiences with job interviews before? If you haven't, what are some things you imagine might happen if you were being interviewed? 5. T asks one pair for each word to talk about their word and what they talked about.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

1. T asks SS to discuss in pairs the following questions to make the transition to the main vocabulary focus. 1.1. What do you think is the difference between a talent and a skill? 1.2. What do you think is the difference between experience and knowledge? 2. T shows some videos to students and asks them to make a comparison chart for them to identify the main differences between the two terms. 3. T asks ss to compare their answers to other classmates and complete their ideas. 3. Ss come to the board and write their ideas on the charts. 4. T asks Ss the following question: 4.1. How do you think qualifications are related to talents, skills, experience and knowledge?

Exposure 2 - Listening (10-12 minutes) • To listen for detail

1. T tells Ss they will listen tp 9 people being interviewed. They have to match the person being interviewed with his or her qualification for a job. 2. T asks ss if they need to listen again (T plays the audio again if necessary) 3. Ss compare their answers with another peer. 4. Ss come to the board and match the correct answers.

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. Teacher asks ss to get together with a different partner to do exercise B on page 68. 2. T let ss read the instructions and then ask the following ICQ'S: 2.2. What do you have to do? 2.3. Which qualifications do you have to classify? 2.4. What are you going to discuss with your partner after you finish classifying the qualifications? 3. T asks some pairs the following questions: 3.4. Where did you classify "a good memory" ? 3.5. Where did you classify "artistic ability" ? 3.6. Where did you classify "leadership skills"? 3.7. (optional) Where did you classify "compassion"?

Task 2 - skills inventory / information for an interview (10-12 minutes) • To develop students' speaking skills in a real-life task

1. T ask ss to go to the next page and focus their attention on the inventory. 2. T asks ss to read the instruction in color blue 3. T asks ss to answer the inventory with their own information. 4. T models the inventory with her own info to give ss an example. 5. T asks ss the following ICQ 5.1. What information are you going to use to fill the inventory? 5. T asks ss to compare their inventory to another partner (T plays a song and Ss change partners when T changes the song) 6. T asks ss to read the iinstructions and do part B the "notepadding" individually. ( T asks ss if they have any questions about the instructions".

Language Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

1. T ask ss to get in different pairs again 2. T tells ss that now they are going to do a simulation of a job interview, one of them would be the "interviewer" and the other one will be the interviewee. And then, when teacher asks ss to change roles they will. 3. T will direct ss atenttion to the possible scenarios they can choose to do the job interview. 4. T tells ss that they can use the information from their inventory and the notepad they did previously. And also make use of the examples of phrases written on the right. 5. T lets ss take a look at the task. 6. T asks the following ICQ's: 6.1. How many options of scenarios do you have? (3) 6.2. Are you going to do the simulation about the three scenarios or do you have to choose one? (Choose one) 6.3. Are you going to change roles? (Yes) 6.4. When are you going to change roles? (After we complete 1 simulation)

EXTRA ACTIVITY (8-10 minutes) • To provide extra listening practice to Ss.

1. T tells ss they will watch a video about people being interviewed on the street. 2. T hands Ss a worksheet they have to answer while they watch the video. 3. T asks students to read the questions they have to answer on the worksheet. 4. Ss watch the video and try to complete the worksheet at the same time. 5. T discuss answers with the whole group and go through the answers showing the script of the video.

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