carolina nunez carolina nunez

TP7 LP Carolina Nunez
upper intermediate level


In this lesson students will be introduced to practice writing by producing a cover letter


Main Aims

  • To provide product and process writing practice of a a covering letter in the context of job advertisements on the website to choose and to apply for

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of use of linking words and prepositions in the context of writing a covering letter


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will ask Ss what they think a cover letter is, Is just writing a CV enough and if they think only writing a CV is a guarantee to get a dream job? What is a Cover Letter? Ss will discuss about the topic and answer if they have written a covering letter before

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

I will provide Ss with a cover letter sample which they will read Ss will identify the style and structure of writing a cover letter by pointing out the useful language written eg. how to begin and end the letter appropriately, a clear reason for writing, use of linking words to join similar ideas into paragraphs, summary content near the end of the letter and closing of the letter with a set phrase I will go through some questions about the letter with Ss whilst analysing it Ss will point out the use of some prepositions and new vocabulary written on the sample letter I will provide a brief definition on the new vocabulary and identify words stress

Writing (10-12 minutes) • To produce their own pice of writing of a cover letter for a job

Ss will look at some jobs advertisements and choose one to apply Ss will take time to produce their cover letter for the job the choose

Publishing (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss will be put in groups and screen share their cover letter in the break out rooms Ss will work in BORs discussing and comparing one anotherĀ“s cover letter and look out for correct content and language accuracy

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

I will ask for a Ss to volunteer from each group to share their cover letter with the class I will ask Ss to point out any errors they might see on the nominated letters I will provide DEC I will conclude the class with praising Ss for their commitment

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