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TP 4b: Quantifiers
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to and do multiple practice activities with quantifiers. After a speaking warm up, a short grammar activity will confirm how familiar this group is with quantifiers. Familiarity with countable and uncountable nouns will be assessed and this topic attended to with a brief lesson if necessary (this grammar point might be familiar to this group of students). This is followed by a more formal grammar lesson on the subject of quantifiers. A fill-in-the-blank activity will allow students to immediately apply information from the lesson. Because of the nature and order of these first three activities, this could be a considered a test-teach-test structure. Finally, there will be a freer practice stage in the form of an interactive game where students can, in the form of a competition, again apply the grammar lesson in both writing and speaking. There is only one vocabulary word in this lesson ("quantifier" itself), but any problematic terminology will be addressed and drills will be conducted for linking, etc. at every opportunity.


Main Aims

  • Grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking
  • Writing


Warmer/Lead-in --> Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

WELCOME and re-introductions (names) SEATING into horseshoe WARM-UP / LEAD-IN: This warm-up / lead in jumps directly into practice/testing. Teacher turns over one then two sheets on the WB reading: "QUANTIFIERS tell us about quantity: some, many, most, all, any, none or no (with or without "of")," with the possibility of eliciting the term "quantifiers" from the students with the definition and list of examples of such. The word "quantifier" will also be parsed on the WB on a third sheet: (n.) , and drilled. Teacher (with minimal speaking) gestures students to stand up in a circle if possible so all can see each other, then distributes colored markers, colored paper and paper clips among students. Teacher models with gestures: "There are many colored pieces of paper on the board. [Student name] is holding most of the markers" and invites a student to follow this lead. If students do not understand or begin to participate but not to address to the distributed items, a more specific question can be asked: "[Student name], tell us something about these items." ("Tell me about where they are?" or "Who has what?" might be helpful follow-up questions that touch on the intent of CCQs.) Teacher will change/manipulate items periodically and move to using gestures only. After a few sentences, the teacher gives all of the markers to one student and solicits this statement from all of the students (for teacher) to write on the board: "[Student name] has all of the markers." Teacher then gives two pieces of colored paper to another student and writes on the board "___________" followed by a gesture to the student, again eliciting the sentence from the group. Teacher continues with one or two more examples if this seems challenging to most of the students. In the final stage, the teacher will acknowledge the topic of the session and each student will be invited to say one-two statements about themselves using a quantifier. Pronunciation drills will be conducted as appropriate.

Focus on TL--> Testing (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and give students additional practice

Teacher reveals (they have been written before class begins and covered with color paper) 7 sentences on WB + written directions: "Add one word to each sentence to make it correct." Teacher points to directions (students might believe that is a request to say aloud, or might not). Teacher models error correction of first sentence with different color marker: Students are invited one by one to come to the WB and correct the sentences. 1. My brother spends most of money on presents for his new girlfriend. (Teacher uses as MODEL on board with different color, inserting corrections with a caret) 2. All friends prefer shopping to doing sport. 3. None them actually enjoys going shopping. 4. My mum spends most her free time on the internet finding new shopping sites. 5. Last week I spent all money on a really expensive bottle of champagne for my boss. 6. My boyfriend never likes any of clothes I buy for him. 7. Some the best shops in town are down the little side streets. CCQs: Can we say "I need some the paper?" Can we say "Are there much apples?" FB: W/c check of answers

Clarification--> Teaching (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Teacher reveals (hidden as before) information, including charts for usage and of collocation, the form used in full sentences, etc., and teaches about quantifiers. Some drills will be conducted such as in regard to linking sounds.

Semi-Controlled Practice--> Testing (6-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Teacher chests handout. Instructions: "On your own, complete the sentences so that they are true for your town or city. Use some, many, most, all, any, none or no with or without of as appropriate." Teacher says, "I am going to model the first one for you" and does so on the WB. Model: MOST OF the big shopping centers are outside of town. ICQ: Are you going to add any nouns? FB: Peer answer check

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

Teacher posts several images in a vertical line on the WB and a few sentence stems (e.g., "There is / are ______," "Every ________ is _________). Instructions: We are going to divide into two teams for our final activity and everyone will come up to the board. You will have just 6 minutes to discuss and write down grammatically correct and unique sentences about what you see in the images, using quantifiers. Each of you will have a marker and can write at the same time. Here are some ways you can start your sentences [points to sentence stems]. Each original sentence = 1 point for that team. If the other team wrote the same sentence, no one gets a point. If you do not use a quantifier, you do not get a point. ICQ: If your sentence does not use a quantifier, will your team get a point? FB: When time is up, the teams will confer and error correct on their own. Students will read their sentences and w/c will determine points awarded. Drills will be conducted with words and phrases throughout.

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