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Present Perfect Tense
B1 level


In this lesson, Ss learn about the present perfect simple tense through guided discovery method. The lesson starts with two truths and a lie game to elicit the usage of the tense. This is followed by controlled practice, semi-controlled and free practice.


Abc Gap-fill activity from Empower B1
Abc A picture prepared by the T (activities with 'What are they doing?' question at the top
Abc A picture prepared by the T (activities with 'Have you ever...' question at the top.
Abc Find somone who activity

Main Aims

  • To be able to use present perfect simple tense to talk about life experience and past actions connected to the present

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of present perfect simple tense in the context of interview


Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson starts with a picture of activities to do with a question of ‘What are people doing in the pictures’to activate schemata. Later, T shows the same pictures with a different question at the top which is ‘Have you ever….’? This will be just like a prompt with the verbs given on it.

Exposure (10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Later, T moves to two truths and a lie game. T writes ‘I have been to NYC, I have seen a wild animal and I have eaten Mexican food’ on the board. T pairs the ss and expects them to find the lie and explain the underlying reason

Highlighting (10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T writes Past, Present, and Future on the board and referring to the sentences given before which is two truths and a lie, T elicits if we are talking about the past, present, or the future in order to guide them to discover. Next, T asks some concept checking questions such as 'Am I talking about the future? (N0), Am I talking about the past? (Yes). Am I talking about a specific time? (No), Am I talking about a life experience? (Yes) Later T writes; past+no date/specific time=present Perfect. Next, T writes the name of a famous film, a pop star, car brand on the board. (Titanic, Bugatti, Michael Jackson). T writes the question, 'Have you ever....?' and elicit possible verbs that would go with some of the things that were written. (Have you ever driven a Bugatti? , Have you ever watched Titanic etc.) T pairs the ss and asks them to talk about the question with their partner.

Controlled Practice (10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T asks the ss to do the 3A grammar focus/ fill in the blanks acitivity from Empower B1 as a controlled practice. T asks the ss to check their answers with their partner. T shows the answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T shows find someone who acitivty on the board including six questions with Present Perfect Simple Tense. T asks some of the students to stand up, mingle and ask the question to their friends. As the sub aim is to show the difference between past simple and present perfect simple tense, T expects the ss to a past simple follow up question if the answer is yes (When did you go?)

Free Practice (10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T groups half of the students as a star (two options- Elon Musk and Rihanna) and the others as a interviewer. T explains that interviewers are going to find about stars' life through using 'Have you ever..?' structure. T elicits some questions. Ss write their interview on a paper and share their work with the class.

Anticipated Problems

ss mayhave problems to get the difference between past simple and present perfect simple. Solution: Through examples it will be shown and CCQs will be asked to make sure. ss may have problem to use this tense. Solution: In the phase of free-pactice they will be able to use it. Ss may have problem to talk about Elon Musk and Rihanna. Solution: They will be shown info aboput their life.

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