Rana Rana

Likes and dislikes
Elementary level


In this lesson, s learn about "A typical pop star" which is called "Adele" , including some audios about Adele's live style.


Abc PPt
Abc Student's book

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about A typical pop star ? in the context of Celebrities "Adele"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Think _ pair _ share in the context of A typical pop star"Adele"
  • To provide clarification of Pop star _ concert in the context of A typical pop star"Adele"


Warm up (4-5 minutes) • Icebreaker _ rapport

Alphabet game! T asks s who wants to play a game? T is dividing them into two groups T says remember your number 1,2,3,4,5 etc T starts to explain the game "So, guys the name of the game is Alphabet game , you are in two groups , each one of the group will say A and point 👉 to another person from the same group will say b (t can model that ), the group who will say from A to Z will clap and they are the winner "

Lead in (4-5 minutes) • Activate students schemata - get engaged

T start to give the first part from some popular songs and let them to predict. "You will listen to some parts from songs, you have to guess the name of the singer or the name of the song ". T starts to play the audio T asks s why do you think these songs are special? T provides them with some questions to discuss T nominate some of the S to take about his parent's opinion ?

Setting the context (1-2 minutes) • Present the topic

T provides s with the topic " today we will know more about the life style of a famous singer who is she ? What do you think? The last one in the guessing game was ? Yes , Adele . T provides S with a photo of Adele T ask S to listen to an audio A.4.1 and answer the two questions provided T asks S to check in pairs T nominate S to answer All agree?

Set the initial "gist" (4-5 minutes) • The students read the text and answer questions

T asks s to listen to an audio about Adele "Now! You have here some items( things) , I want you to listen to an audio about Adele, tick (using body language) the things you hear the people are talking about " Icqs: so, Are you going to to just listen or find the one you hear or the things you hear ? Are you going to tick all of them ? Okey, start Finished ? Check your answers with your partner T pairs s So , two of you together, together, together Finished ? How wants to answers? All agree? T nominate the second s etc All agree

Scanning (5-6 minutes) • Apply a comprehensive information about the topic

T asks S to listen again but this time focus on details . And then choose the right answer from these seven questions Icqs : so, you are going to find the answers while you are (share to my ear ) Yes , listening Start T asks S to check in pairs T provides the answers in PowerPoint template "Here are the answers" Did you find any different answers ?

Follow up (6-7 minutes) • Coherent understanding- acquire critical thinking skill- speaking - self reflection

Think- pair - share T explains the idea of this interaction pattern "So, guys think- pair- share" " do you think that Adele is a typical pop star or not ? And why ? Take 2 minutes to think , you can write them in points T asks S to discuss together there points of view "I want you to discuss in pairs" T pair S So , together , together, together S share their opinions with T T asks S to nominate someone to take about his / her partner opinion " e.g , Fatma tell me about your partner opinion What about you " Asmaa"?

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • Correcting errors or missing information

T monitors S while they are talking and at the end of the session write all the mistakes on the board and let the S correct themselves. T asks if there is any question ?

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