Kotb Mohammed Shehata Targm Kotb Mohammed Shehata Targm

Unit 2 lesson 1 (Jobs)
Grades (3-4-5-6) level


In this lesson students will learn new words about jobs.(astronaut.reporter,archtict,pilot,nurse,doctor,enginner,cook,diver,teacher,computer technician, firefighter, businessman, housewife, lawyer).First, I will tell them about an ice breaker is called make the shape with your classmates. Second, I will play a short video about jobs. after that I will ask them to look at the book page 42 and choose a job he/she wants to be in the future. They will say I want to be a ..... when I grow up. the students will discuss with each other about the jobs which need a great effort to be done.


Abc data show-board-handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Jobs word on page 42 ( astronaut.reporter,archtict,pilot,nurse,doctor,enginner,cook,diver,teacher,computer technician, firefighter, businessman, housewife, lawyer

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation. in the context of What does your father/mother do?-He/she's a doctor.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

First, I will ask the student to stand up and move the desks away. Second, I will divide them into two groups (boys and girls) After that , I will give them the instructions about the game(I will draw a square on the board and ask the students to make the same shape with their bodies. I will give them the instructions as follows: 1-The game duration will be a minute after drawing the shape. 2-The students will make a boys group and girls group. 3-Who makes the shape in a short time will be the winner.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-15 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1-Activate prior knowledge: Brainstorm with students what they already know about different jobs. Ask questions like: "What jobs do your parents do?" "What kind of jobs do you think is difficult ?" 2-Introduce the words by playing a video about job. after that I will tell them that they will learn jobs on page 42 . 3-This could be identifying different jobs, understanding job descriptions. 4-Pre-teach vocabulary: Introduce any difficult or unfamiliar vocabulary words that students might encounter in the listening activity. 4-Provide visuals: Show pictures or videos related to the jobs that will be discussed. This will help students make connections and visualize the information.

While-Reading/Listening (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1-Play the audio recording: Play the audio clip clearly and at an appropriate volume. 2-Pause and check for understanding: Pause the recording at intervals to ask questions and 3-check students' understanding. This can help them stay focused and engaged. 4-Use visuals: Continue to show pictures or videos to support the audio information.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1-Review and discuss: Review the key points from the listening activity. Ask students questions to ensure they understood the information. 2-Extend the learning: Have students complete activities related to the listening activity. These could include: *asking a question like (What does your father do?-He's a teacher. 3-Connect to real life: Encourage students to connect what they learned about jobs to their own lives and career aspirations. Ask them to say I want to be a.... When I grow up.

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