Arwa Arwa

Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn 8 words about the appearances of different people. It starts with showing them 3 pictures of different settings, a wedding, an interview, and a birthday. They will discuss the type of outfits they normally wear on each occasion. This is followed by testing their vocabulary knowledge describing people's appearance by sticking 6 pictures of different people on the board and asking them to describe them in pairs. Then, I will teach the meaning, pronunciation, and form of 8 new words they can use in their descriptions. They will then be tested again to see their progress through answering a 'fill in the gaps exercise'. Finally, They will practice using the recently acquired vocabulary words in their speeches through an exercise where they will describe themselves without writing their names, each will pick an envelope and guess who that person is and add a descriptive sentence of his own. Each will get his envelope and read it before mingling to share their description, decide if they agree with the added sentence, and see if they have something in common.


Abc Gap-fill handouts
Abc 6 pictures of people with different appearances.
Abc PowerPoint presentation
Abc Freer practice activity materials (colored envelopes/sticky notes)
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will better use and understand the meaning, pronunciation, and form of 8 new vocabs in the context of 'appearances'.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will have practiced their speaking fluency in the context of 'appearances'.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will show students 3 pictures of different occasions, a wedding, an interview, and a birthday. 2. They will be asked to discuss the type of outfits they normally wear in each occasion. 3. Open class discussion will follow.

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of different vocabulary used to describe people's appearances.

1. I will stick 6 pictures of different people on the board. 2. Students will be asked to work in pairs to describe those people and their clothes. 3. I will demo by eliciting descriptions for the first photo and use "have got" in the demo to set an example of what they're supposed to do.

Teach (8-10 minutes) • To teach the MFP of 8 new vocabs (slim/over-weight/bald/beard/moustache/middle-aged/good-looking/ have got)

1. I will start by eliciting the vocab by showing them pictures of the PPT. 2. I will use antonyms to teach some words like (slim/over-weight). 3. This is followed by drilling the words in full sentences to stress the meaning and pronunciation. 4. Then, I will write the sentences to highlight the form and use of "have got".

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and measure their understanding of new words.

1. Students will be asked to answer a gap-fill exercise using the target language. 2. I will demo the first question with them to make sure they understand what they're supposed to do. 3. Pair check will follow and then open class feedback highlighting the areas they need more help with.

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language and make sure they can use it fluently in their speech.

1. I will ask them to write a description of themselves i.e. how they look, and the type of clothes they are wearing. 2. I will demo by giving a description of myself and pretending to put it in the envelope. 3. Each will do the same without writing their names, then, envelopes will be mixed and each will choose a random one, read it, guess who that person is, and add another sentence to describe that person. 4. Each will get his envelope and take time to read it. 5. They will mingle to share their descriptions, decide if they agree or disagree with the added sentence, and see if they have anything in common. 6. Language and content feedback will follow.

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