Sara Sara

Comparative and superlative
Pree intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about the comparative and superlative adj ,previewing one syllable adj via two and more syllables then going to study irregular adj The lesson starts with discussing comparing my sibling, Finally there is some control practice ,through sentences reformulations and free practice via a final picture activity.


Abc Rif
Abc American English file 2
Abc Board
Abc Speakers
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of comparative and superlative (adj, adv)in the context of family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice on what we have already done


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • Discuss the lesson and practices grammar and engage students

I will speak about my family And I will compare the me with my sibling and Iwill write sentences on board ,

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • to provide context for the target through a text

I m going to ask students about comparing their family or partner with themselves and write two sentences about themselves and I will writing them,on a board.

Highlighting (5-8 minutes) • Practice two or more syllables and irregular-adjectives with the sentences that students use

to bring my student attention to the lesson ;I will write two or three of the sentences they constructed in the proper form on the word. I will teach grammar point and writing structure of superlative and comparative sentences I will speak about superlative and comparative adverbs and writing structure them.

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • Clarifie how to use comparative and superlative and meaning form and pronunciation of the target language

learning about irregular adj and adv . they will learn; more and most /less and least and then I will write about if word ending in e we should add -r for comparative and -st for superlative and some thing else ; if ending in y it changing to i ,then add -er /-est and saying about some Warners about superlative ; and teach them how to pronounce two or more syllables adj or adv.and speaking about meaning and synonyms of the word, wich learners makes sentences ;and practice grammar bank of the American English file page 139 then I will ask some CCQs to check the student awareness of the superlative and comparative

Controlled practice (3-4 minutes) • Check the concept and answer questions and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will write some true and false question on board then learner should answer the question and check the response together. , then I will have students open their books and do exercise b page 38 individualy and then we will check the answers togheter.

Free practice (3-5 minutes) • Try different practices to make sure they learn lesson

Make them writes sentences using the superlative and comparative adjectives or adverbs by showing the some pictures.and feedback will be given at the end if needed.

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