Esraa Ahmed Esraa Ahmed

Places where we live
A2 level


Abc PowerPoint presentation
Abc HOs

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Different Places where people live in the context of Places

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversations in the context of Where the students live and the surrounding places to which they often go


Warm up (3-5 minutes) • To activate their previous knowledge of some common places they may have encountered before

Showing the students the PowerPoint's slide that is realted to matching excercise. Giving them instructions: they will work in pairs for 3 mins Ask ICQs: will you work alone or in pairs? How many mins do we have? On finishing, I'll show the SS the answers on the screen.

Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context and give them the chance to speak about themselves and by doing so their interest can be generated for the topic

Ask students some relevant questions to the topic about themselves Where do you live? Is it far or near? Do you like it or not? Why? Why not? Listen to their answers.

Pre-reading (8-10 minutes) • To clarify some vocabulary that may be blocking in the text.

Using visual aids to elicit the words. For example, the word Brits, I will show them some popular British people and let them guess what is common. The proper answer will be their nationality British, and here I'll till then we have another word for it which is Brits. I'll pronounce it once and then the whole class will say it. the word: village: Is it contain houses or high buildings? Is it usually in the countryside? The word town: Are there shops and places to work? Is is larger than a village and smaller than a city? city: Is it a large place where lots of people work and live? Is larger than a town? Then show them the two pictures of the city and town and ask them for saying the differences? A picture of a block of flat will be shown and ask them CCQs: Is it a high building or small one? Does it have lots of flats inside? A picture for the word picnic.

During teaching (12-15 minutes) • practice gist and detailed reading techniques and answer related tasks

Showing them the HO and tell them that there are three British people live in different places, Can you guess in which country they live in? Do think they live in a village, city, or town? You have one min. Write your sentences and read the text quickly to know and you have 4 mins. How many mins do we have? After reading, There will be feedback on the correct answers. Detailed Reading: Now, we have another task (3) on page 28 They will be required to answer the matching exercise individually after reading the text again for 8 mins. How many mins do we have this time? Will you answer the exercise alone or in together? Now, SS will read again and answer the question? After finishing, Students will be asked to work with their partner to compare the answers in 2 mins. then the answers will be shown on the screen.

Post-Reading (5-7 minutes) • To give them the chance to reflect and relate what they have learned to themselves.

I will first ask them, "Which one do you find it more interesting? After that, students will work in pairs to answer the following questions in five mins. Do live in a town, city, or in a village? What is special about your place? Where do usually like to go? While they are speaking, I'll be monitoring and then give a whole class feedback.

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