Eden Eden

Be going to (plans and predictions)
Intermediate level


The class I'll be teaching comprises 9 people who are all adults (above 18) and all of them have an acceptable command of English language. before anything else I will draw a timeline on the board and put a mark on the board and I'll show them what tense I am talking about. First, I'll start by making examples about myself and future plans that I have. Then I'll involve my students into the matter.


Abc Handout
Abc Board, book,

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Be going to (plans and predictions) in the context of Future plans like immigration, aims and...

Subsidiary Aims

  • If i cannot use the camputer to share the book with my students, i will use the pdf and share it with my students


Be going to, future plans and predictions (5-10 minutes) • Grammar teaching with student centered method

In this part I will give me students 3 minutes and ask them to form groups of two and ask each other about their future plans and write them down in the notebooks.

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