Jocelyn McDonald Jocelyn McDonald

Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about ‘used to’ through exposure to text, and in which they will have to identify the meaning and form, and practice pronunciation. They will then practice the target language through controlled and free practice.


Abc Google Slides Presentation
Abc TLAS-Grammar
Abc Controlled Practice
Abc Analysis (MFP)
Abc Text for gist and intensive task
Abc Freer Practice

Main Aims

  • To introduce to and practice the use of ‘used to’ when speaking about past habits, and in relation to their real life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation as well as practice in writing, in the context of using ‘used to’ about real life situations.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will ask my ss the following questions on the screen. Then I’ll nominate a student to ask me. I will answer to show example. After, as normally only 2-3 students join, I will ask them to nominate each other. 1. Did you know until the 1700’s, a barber also use to be a dentist? 2. Did you use to like vegetables as a kid? 3. What used to be your biggest dream?

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Conversation “What is the main idea of the conversation?” What words told you this? I will ask students to read a short conversation for the main idea, and decide what it is about. Then I will ask ICQ’s: (Do you think you need to read slowly or quickly for the main idea? Quickly. How long do you have? 1 minute. Do you work individually or with a partner? Individually). I will ask them not to submit it. Students will read the following conversation. Kim: Where did you use to go on school holidays? Rob: I used to spend my school holidays on my grandparents farm? Kim: What did you use to do there? Rob: I used to play Hide & Seek in the barn and help my grandma bake. Kim: That sounds fun. I used to go to my cousin’s house for school holidays. We used to play a lot of board games. Then they will answer two questions. For gist, they will answer “What is the main idea?”. For the intensive stage they will be asked to identify the words that helped them decide. They should identify ‘used to’. They can compare answers and then we will have Open Class FB.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will explain the next task and then ask ICQ’s (How long do you have? 3 minutes. Do you work individually or with a partner? Individually.) When students are finished, they can check answers with each other. We will check correct answers, and I will then provide some open-class feedback. After will look at sentence stress/pronunciation to see if students can identify any word stress in the sentences. I will model and drill. MEANING 1. I used to ride my bicycle to work. a) Did I ride my bike in the past? Yes✔️ No b) Do I ride it now? Yes No✔️ c) Will I ride it again in the future? Yes No Maybe✔️ 2. When I was a child, I didn’t use to like avocados. a) When didn’t I use to like avocados? In the past✔️ Now b) Do I like avocados now? Yes✔️ No FORM I will elicit form: 1. How is used to formed? noun verb + ing verb (base form)✔️ Subject + used to/didn’t use to + Subject + used to/didn’t use to + 2. In the negative, we write: didn’t used to didn’t use to✔️ PRONUNCIATION Read each sentence. Think about: 1. What words are stressed? 2. Are there any linking words? 1. I used to ride my bicycle to work. 2. When I was a child, I didn't use to like avocados. I will model and drill for correct pronunciation, including word stress and linking words. *When I model for linking words, I will elicit “Did you hear one word or two?”

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will explain the next task and then ask ICQ’s (How long do you have? 3 minutes. Do you work individually or with a partner? Individually.) Once finished, students can discuss their answers and I will share the answer key and give OCFB as necessary. Students will complete 6 questions with two drop-down choices each. (See link in materials).

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Problem: Ss may use Past Simple instead of ‘used to”. Solution: Explain that used to is about past habits/actions that are no longer true. Used with adverbs of frequency (never, always, etc.) instead of time words (yesterday, this morning). Students will be shown 5 questions to answer about themselves. First I will get a student to ask me to show example. Then, they will be given 2 minutes to write down their short sentence answers on a piece of paper. They will then take turns asking the questions to their partner, who will answer with what they wrote down. Q1: What did you use to be frightened of? I used to be frightened of ... Q2: What did/didn’t you use to like? I used to / didn't use to like ... Q3: What did you use to play with? I used to play with ... Q4: What did you use to spend hours doing? I used to spend hours _-ing… Q5: What is something you never used to do? I never used to ...


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