Kimberley van Weezendonk Kimberley van Weezendonk

TP8_LP_Kimberley van Weezendonk
pre-intermediate level


Grammar lesson on present perfect simple with ever and never


Abc Google slides presentation TP8
Abc Google form containg gap-fill exercise
Abc Jamboard with exercises 2A, 2B and 2 C

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Present Perfect Simple with ever and never in the context of life experiences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening and fluency speaking practice using a text about life experiences.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To set the lesson context and engage the ss I will show them a slide with the picture from page 38 of the studentsbook Speakout together with the sentences. - ask ss which of these sentences can be seen in the picture. - ask if the ss have any questions with respect to these sentences. - ask individual ss if they have ever done any of these things

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

To provide context for the target language I will ask ss to listen to an audio with a conversation between two people using the present perfect simple. - as a gist task I will ask ss. to tell me what the conversation is about. - ask if anyone knows which verb tense these "Have you ever" questions use - if they don't know , elicit: What tense is the verb "have"? Present. What is the other verb in this sentence? Made. What tense is it in, past or present? Past. Do they talk about something that has finished or still ongoing? Finished. This tense is called Present Perfect Simple.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

To draw ss attention to the TL I will show them the text of the audio recording on a jamboard. - share jamboard with ss. (check settings!) - ask them to underline two questions about general experiences ( where the exact time is not important). - Do one example first. -ask ss how these questions are formed ( + past participle) -Then ask ss to go to second page of Jamboard and do exercise 2B. - do one example first.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

To clarify meaning, form and pronunciation I will show ss slides on meaning, form and clarification. After having done exercise 2A and 2B I will elicit from ss if they can guess what the main difference is in using these tenses. Answer: for PPS there is no reference to a specific time. For Past Simple there is. - show slides with time lines -ask CCQ's for "Have you ever made a speech in public?": *What does “ever” mean? At any time in your life *Does the question refer to a specific time in his life? No *Do we know from the question when a speech was made? No *Is the speech finished? Yes *When there is no exact time reference but the action has finished which tense do we use? Present Perfect Simple -ask CCQ's for "I made a speech at a conference last year:" *Do we know when the speech was made? Yes, at a conference last year. * Is the conference finished? Yes * Has the speech finished? Yes * When a specific time is mentioned and the action is finished which tense do we use? Past simple. - Show slide on form of the tenses. - Explain that past participle of regular verbs is verb+ed. -Send list of irregular verbs over the chat. -ask if they can tell me what is the negative of I have made friends from another country last year. I have never made friends from another country. or I haven't made friends from another country last year. - ask ss to do Exercise 2C on jamboard -listen to recording again and set following task: -listen to how "have" is pronounced in the questions and in the short answers. How is it different? - Have ss notice that in questions and negatives the word “ have” is pronounced in its weak form /həv/ In answers the word “have” is pronounced in its strong form /hæv/ . - model the question, ss. repeat chorally and then individually model the answer, ss. repeat chorally and then individually.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-To concept check and prepare ss for a more meaningful practice I will ask them to do a gap fill exercise on Google forms. - I will give them 5 minutes to do this - then show answer key in slides - ask if ss had the correct answers and if they have any questions.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- to provide ss with practice of the TL I will ask to complete 5 sentences individally - they will have 3 minutes to do this. - then I will ask ss to go in BOR's in pairs to compare their answers and find anything in common. - I will monitor in BOR's and listen for mistakes and good use of language for DEC.

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