Vera Vera

Copy of Conversation workshop, week 6, 03-04
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will focus on speaking fluency and confidence in the context of travel. The lesson starts with a lead-in to get the students interested in the topic. Next we have a vocabulary activity where they learn new words connected with travel followed by a pair-work discussion to activate the new vocab. The lesson continues with another freer pair-work discussion about their travel experience.


Abc Pictures
Abc Questionnaire
Abc Vocabulary matching
Abc Discussion cards
Abc Pairwork discussion
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of holiday words in the context of travel


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show the students photos of famous tourist attractions around the world. Have them guess where they are from. Have they visited any? Which do they find the most interesting? Where would they like to go? Elicit travel and holidays as the topic of the lesson. Tell the students that in order to talk about holidays we need to review some vocabulary together.

Useful Language (12-15 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Give each student a copy of the vocabulary worksheet. Have them work in pairs and match the photo with the words from the column. Demo with the class by looking at the first photo together. Monitor the activity closely to see what words are they struggling with. Possible ICQ: Are we working with a partner or alone? If they're still reluctant to work in pairs, demo pair-work should look like "What do you think, is this a caravan? No I think it's a tent. " W/C feedback and CCQ the most difficult words. Do a short choral drill for the words they had difficulties in pronouncing, like canoe, cruise, sandcastle, etc.

Productive Task #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the target vocabulary from the previous activity

Keep the students in the same pairs and distribute the worksheets. Tell them they have 10 minutes to discuss the questions with their partners. Encourage them to ask follow up questions. Monitor closely to gauge their language abilities and make notes of possible mistakes. W/C feedback: Chose a questions and discuss it with the whole class. Delayed error correction: write the most relevant mistakes on the board and ask the class's help to fix them.

Productive Task #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide a semi-controlled speaking practice in the context of travel

Change up the pairs so that each student has a new partner. Hand out the worksheet and tell them they have to discuss the questions with their partner. Encourage them to provide reasons for their answers. I like museums and galleries because... What about you? Which ones do you like" Monitor and provide assistance when needed. W/C feedback: What are your favorite holiday activities? Why?

Productive Task #3 (15-20 minutes) • To provide freer speaking practice in the context of travel

Depending of the level of interaction between students, you can keep the same pairs or change them so they communicate with someone else. Show them the strips of paper with questions on them. Tell them to put them face down on the table and to take one and discuss it with the partner. Stress that each person must answer the question. Demo what a discussion is "What do you think? Why? Tell me more..." Monitor and write down mistakes for a delayed error correction. W/C feedback: Follow up with questions about their funny/terrible travel experiences. Delayed error correction: Put the mistakes on the board and again work on them with the whole class.

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