Anastazia Badeau Anastazia Badeau

TP7 LP_Badeau
pre-interm level


This is a speaking lesson, aiming at providing students with opportunities to develop skills for speaking in the context of expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy for upcoming speaking practice, following some exposure to expressions, language with pronunciation to enhance fluency in the context of In the context of expressing their personal opinions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation/discussion in the context of daily situations related to personal rights/freedoms which may be considered controversial


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will ask Ss to consider the questions related to the lesson. 1. What are some examples of personal freedoms ( illustrated in the pictures)? 2. Is it better to have more or less personal rights? T will have Ss briefly discuss the questions and give their ideas to engage them in the upcoming topic/lesson.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T will share link for G-form 1 ( What's it about?) with exposure to 6 selected statements related to more/less personal rights. T will ask Ss to read these alone and decide what the general topic is: a, b or c ( b. personal rights). T will elicit from the class their choice: What do you think this is about? ( Ss: personal rights) T: Good work everyone! T: T will share link to G-Form (More or Less dialogue) and instruct Ss to complete Qs 1-5 and press submit. T will check Ss responses in whole class format quickly. Here's a dialogue: Max and Roger disagree. Complete these questions 1-5. Take about 1-2 minutes to read it and complete the questions. Please submit your answers. We will check them. CCQ: Do you answer the Qs only? ( answer and submit ).

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T will send link/ editing for Jamboard #1 (Useful Opinion-words) & instruct Ss to use their own board for tasks 1 & 2: Task 1(Put blue statement stickies into the More and Restricted columns based on their opinions & orange stickies for agreement/disagreement (e.g. for Blue statement: Everyone should have the right to carry a gun, Ss could choose orange stickies ( I agree, I totally /partially agree, I'm afraid I don't agree); then justify 'Why' by adding a green sticky ( e.g. because it's fair, sensible, legal/illegal). T checks Ss responses with screen share after Ss complete. CCQ: Does it make good sense if it's sensible? (yes) CCQ: Is 'agree' a describing word or an action? (verb) Next clarify MFP: screen shares MFP G-form & link. T instructs Ss to refer to the word wall at top and to complete Q1-4 and to press submit. Not pronunciation yet. Do this quickly -30 seconds. CCQ: Do you have to do all the Qs now? (no, 1-4) CCQ: Do we do the pronunciation now? (no) T and Ss check responses: Q1. synonym -ridiculous: B absurd/silly; Q2. Synonym-sensible A makes good sense; Q3/4 to say agree/disagree: B / B I agree/ I disagree. Pronunciation: Q1. T: for adjectives, asks how many syllables and which have stress on the 2nd syllable? and models A) compulsory & riduculous: then elicits A) for Q1 (compulsory, ridiculous). (A) /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ ,/ rɪˈdɪkjələs / or (B) /fɛr/ & /ˈsɛnsəbəl/ Q2. Where is the stress in: 'I totally agree/disagree ? ( TOH-tuh-lee) /ˈtoʊtəli / Q3. Where does our tongue go for 'th' in 'I think' ? / aɪ θɪŋk/ (between upper and lower teeth. T models & drills these.

Productive Task(s) (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T will screen share jamboard 2; instruct Ss to share jamboard and work in pairs/small groups; You need to each take a role for the role plays; T assigns students as (A) and (B) roles, and instructs them to exchange roles afterwards. Instructs Ss: you need to use the stickies (A) to ask Qs to (B); and role (B) uses (B) stickies to respond. Topic 1: Choosing a baby's gender : (A) Do you agree or disagree with choosing a baby's gender? (B) options are * No, I don't agree with.../Yes, I agree with... (A) Why do you agree/disagree? (B) Because I think... / because it's fair, sensible, not fair etc). Topic 2: Hunting animals for fun/sport (same options with added : Personally, I think...; Topic 3: Compulsory military service: same options with added: I totally agree/disagree, I'm afraid I don't agree).

Feedback and Error Correction (2-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T screenshares practice G-slide white board to write FB for pronunciation for additional FB /drills based on observed errors. Models for correct inter-dental tongue placement for 'th' and images on whiteboard will be highlighted by choral, individual drills. CCQs for language /grammatical substitutions: If it's sensible is it 'sensitive' ? or does it make good sense ( good sense/rational); CCQ: is disagree/agree a describing ? or an action? (verb)

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