Arwa Arwa

Elementary level


In this lesson, SS will learn about regular and irregular verbs in the past through guided discovery based on a reading text about Ben Silbermann, the creator of Pinterest Application. The lesson starts with an open discussion about some business owners and why they are amazing. This is followed by skimming the text to answer one question and then scanning it to underline 8 regular verbs and 9 irregular ones to be exposed to the TL. After language clarification, they will be asked to answer a sentence reformulation exercise. Then, a freer practice where they will write 6 sentences about their life experiences and share them with the rest of the class.


Abc Reading texts sheet
Abc Sentence Formulation worksheet
Abc Regular and irregular worksheet
Abc White board and colored markers

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, Students will have been introduced to the meaning, pronunciation and form of the regular and irregular verbs in the past tense to talk actions that happened and finished in the past in the context of "Ben Silberman, the inventor of Pinterest", and been given opportunities for controlled written and freer oral practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have developed their oral fluency on the topic of past life experiences.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will show them a picture of Grace Hopper, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg and ask them why these people are amazing. 2. when they see the picture of the Facebook creator, I will ask them what other applications they use daily to get them gradually introduced to the topic of the lesson. 2. I will show them a picture of Ben Selbermann and pictures of the items he used to collect and ask them to try to guess in pairs what business he started.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text about the creator of Pinterest application.

1. SS will be asked to read the text to answer one question, i.e. who is Silbermann and what was his business. 2. They will read again to underline regular and irregular verbs in the past form. 3. They will do this exercise individually then check their answers in pairs. 4. This is followed by OCFB and an answer key on a PPT slide.

Highlighting (1-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. I will highlight the target language by asking SS to mention some verbs in the past form mentioned in the text.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of some of the regular and irregular verbs.

1. I will start by eliciting past verbs and asking them to turn them into the present to notice that the (ed) ending is used indicate actions that happened in the past. (meaning) 2. This is followed by drilling sentence by sentence focusing on generating correct pronunciation from them. (Pronunciation) 3. I will then write the sentences on the board highlighting the regular and the irregular endings (Form). 4. This is followed by highlighting the stresses in the sentences.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice (sentence refomulation)

1. SS will be asked to answer a sentence formulation exercise. 2. I will answer the first sentence with them to set an example of what they're supposed to do. 3. I will monitor closely and offer help if needed. 4. Questions will be checked in pairs before an OCFB. 5. The answer key will be presented on the PPT slide.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. SS will be asked to write 6 sentences about things they did in the past (life experiences). 2. I will draw their attention to the list of useful language written on the board that they can use in this exercise. 3. I will demo a sentence about my life to set an example, then, I will give them time to prepare their answers. 4. They will sit in pairs and swap their sheets of paper and each will talk about his partner. 5. I will give language and content feedback.

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