Laila Sokkar Laila Sokkar

Upper-intermediate level


Abc PPT, handouts

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson learners will be able to write a defend essay in the context of life expectancy.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about Health in the context of Contrasting the importance of health care services.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Teacher starts the session by grouping the students (3-4 per group), then the teacher displays 2 pictures of an old man and a woman and ask students to guess who will die first. 2- Students take two minutes to discuss their answers and give reasons. 3-Teacher provides content feedback by asking some of the students to report their friends answers.

Useful Language (3-5 minutes) • Scaffolding to highlight and clarify how to support your ideas with evidence for coming productive tasks

1-Teacher relates this task with the previous lead-in: let's answer your question using statistics. 2-Teacher sets the instructions clearly: as a team read the table and find four factors that affect life expectancy. 3- Teacher distributes handouts from the book, page 138. 4- T gives content feedback 5- T sets the instructions for the new exercise: now fill the table with the factors you found.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

1-Teacher displays the passage ex:11 on page 146 and asks students to read and give the main idea. 2-Students read, share their answers together and report back to the teacher, teacher highlights the contrasting ideas in the passage. 3-Students fill the table following the procedures as in the written example.

Productive Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice writing a defend essay.

1-Teacher sets the task page 147 ex; 12.1 by giving the following set of instructions instructions: It's your turn to use the previous procedures to write an essay. 2-Students start writing, teacher stops them after the designated time is over. 3-Teacher asks students to swap paper and peer check while she monitors to collect points to be tackled in the collective mistakes correction.

Lesson's objectives (1-2 minutes) • To wrap up and the content and highlight the objective.

1- In pairs choose the lesson's aim from the 3 statements provided by the teacher in the PPT.

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