Nina Nina

Vocabulary lesson
Upper-Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To enable students to understand and use the following phrases (know one's stuff, do one's best, lose touch, make the most of it, give up) in the context of the dreams they fulfilled and the goals they achieved

Subsidiary Aims

  • to enable students to develop their speaking for fluency in the context of the dreams they fulfilled and the goals they achieved
  • to enable students to develop their reading skills for gist in the context of a personal story about a sport's achievement


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show students the photo of two people with medals and a goblet (slide 2) and ask students who these people are, what their relationships are and why they are happy. Guide them that this is me and my sister after winning one of the volleyball tournaments. Tell them that now I play volleyball just for fun, I used to play professionally and I am a very experienced player but things have never been like that. The lead-in will set the context for my personal story. - "Hi, guys, how are you doing? I'm gonna show you a photo of two people and ask you some questions about the photo. Who are the people? What are their relationships? What are they doing? What do you think they are happy? This is me and my sister after winning one of the volleyball tournaments. I used to play professionally and I am a very experienced player but things have never been like that, especially when I started playing."

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

(slide 3) Tell students the story and then show it on the slide. "When I was 14-15, I was very tall and my parents decided that I needed to learn how to play volleyball. Before that, I was actually into athletics (running short distances). It was very difficult for me because the girls from my team had been playing since they were 7-8 and it was hard to keep up with their level. There were the times when I was so upset that I wanted to give up. Sometimes, I think I was even crying after trainings. Although I was trying to do my best, the girls were not very happy to have me as a partner during some technical exercises as I could easily make a mistake and it meant losing the ball. I was working hard as I wanted to show them that one day I would become a pro and I would know my stuff on the court. Years passed, and while I lost touch with some teammates, others became lifelong friends. This tough journey led to unexpected opportunities – playing in other countries, joining European contests, and even playing for our national team. Now, I play 2 times a week, just for fun and every time I play, I try to make the most of it, enjoying the game and appreciating the friends I've made." Ask some gist questions to understand whether students got the general idea of the story. "So, guys, 1) Was it easy for me to start playing volleyball at the age of 14-15?? 2) Were the girls from the team happy to have me as a team member? 3) Do I still play volleyball?"

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

(slide 5) Show them the story with the target language that is underlined. Ask them whether they know what we call these expressions. "Look at the underlined phrases, these are some expressions we're going to work with. Do you know what we call them?"

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ask students to work individually, open the link from wordwall and match the language items to their meanings. (slide 6) "Guys, I've just send you the link, you can find it in our zoom chat. Open the link and match the expressions to their definitions. You have 3 minutes. When you finish - press submit and you will check yourself." ICQ Are you doing the task together or in groups? After they finish, show them the slide 7 with the answers. "Guys, these are the answers." Then work with the meaning of every expression from the TL (slides 8-12) and ask CCQs for clarification. Then work with the form. (slide 13-14-15-16) - "Guys, let's look at these expressions once again. In the expression know one's stuff, what can we put instead of one's?" Explain that it can be "her/his/their/your. Point out that stuff and staff are different words. "Don't mix up these two words: stuff and staff. Staff=personnel, stuff - things." Ask students what they can put instead of one's in the expression "do one's best". - " In the expression do one's best, what can we put instead of one's?" Explain that it can be "her/his/their/your. Ask students to look at the expression "lose touch". Pay attention that it is very commonly used with a preposition "with" if there is a noun/pronoun that follows the phrase. Ask students to give you 3 forms of the verb lose. - "Look at the expression "lose touch". Pay attention that it is very commonly used with a preposition "with" if there is a noun/pronoun that follows the phrase. What are 3 forms of "lose"?" Ask students to look at the phrasal verb "give up"and analyse three examples with this verb. Try to elicit the parts of speech that normally follow the verb. - "Look at the phrasal verb "give up"and analyse three examples with this verb. What can follow the verb? " Ask students to look at the idiom "make the most of it". Point out that we can use nouns instead of "it". Provide students with some examples like "make the most of the weather/time". - "Look at the idiom "make the most of it". Notice that we can use nouns instead of "it". For example "make the most of the weather/time". Then work with the pronunciation. Pay attention that students need to stress the particle in phrasal verbs, model and drill the pronunciation. Pay attention to the linking in "give it up". Model and drill the pronunciation of idioms, pay attention to the linking in "make the most of it". (slide 17)

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

(slide 18) Show students the slide. Tell them that on the left they have beginnings of the sentences, on the right there are endings. Students need to connect two halves to make the whole sentence. "In this task you need to connect two halves of the sentence. On the left you have the beginnings of the sentences, on the right - the endings. Match the halves. You work individually and you have 3 minutes. " ICQ "Do you work alone or in groups?" Ask students to check their answers together. "Guys, now you have 2 minutes to check your answers together." Ask students to check whether they have a "secret word" from the answers. "Guys, if you look at your answers attentively, you will see that there is a secret word because you see on the right you have different letters. What is the word?" (1D2R3E4A5M). "Great, everything is correct, so let's try to use our TL in your speech."

Free Practice (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ask students to work together and think about something they dreamed of in the past and fulfilled this dream or achieved this goal. Give them some time to plan what to say. Ask them to tell their story to their partner. Ask them to be ready to share what helped their partner to achieve this goal/fulfil the dream. Ask them to try to use some of the sentence frames. "Guys, you're going to talk about smth you dreamed of in the past and you fulfilled this dream or achieved this goal. (like my story with volleyball) I put here some sentence frames with TL, it'd be great if you try to use them in your story. I will give you 4 minutes to plan what to say, think about your story and how to use these sentence frames in your speech.(slide 20) ICQ Now, will you work alone? What do you need to do alone, do you need to plan your story? Do you need to try to use these sentence helpers? Tell students they will work together an tell each other their stories. Tell them you will then ask them to share what helped their partner to achieve their goal/fulfil the dream. "Guys, now when you've planned your stories you will work together. You will have 5 minutes. Tell your story to your partner. Listen to your partner as then I will ask you to share what helped them to fulfil their dream." ICQ Do you work together? Do you need to listen to your partner's stories?(slide 21) Compliment students on interesting discussions. Nominate 1-2 students to share what helped their partners to fulfil their dreams. Share examples of speech that is good, incorrect, and that can be reformulated. Elicit from students whether each example is correct. Provide corrections and model/drill pronunciation if necessary. (extra)Ask students what they liked about the class, what they learnt about their partners. (slide 23) - "What are 3 phrases that you’ve learnt? What are 2 things facts that you remember about your partner? Can you name one thing that you liked about the class? "

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