Justin Lifflander Justin Lifflander

TP7_Justin_Lifflander Writing
Pre Intermediate A2 level


Main Aims

  • • To provide product writing practice of a review of a film or book using critical language (positive/negative) and identifying specific elements. series

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and written practice of useful expressions to persuade the audience to see/read (or not) the film/book being reviewed.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Who went to a movie theater recently? What movie did you watch? Like/dislike? Why? Discuss / group whine about high prices for entertainment, movies...therefore we need to be selective/critical in our choices....

Exposure (8-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Explain task: reading a review for gist, trying to identify tone (+/-), register (who is the audience) and is it formal or informal writing. Read on Google doc, mark answers. Discuss indicators of formal/informal language; Elicit about structural parts of a film review; Show AK. Move to Jamboard to categorize parts of the text. Show answer key

Useful Language (10-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

--Elicit possible descriptive words and phrases per each part of the review. --Briefly in depth about linkers, with examples. --Show all TL, color coded Comment on form: For Genre: drama, romantic comedy are NOUNS; sci-fi picture, adventure movie are ADJECTIVES (“adventure” is used as an adjectival noun) For opinion phrases: they are fixed or mostly-fixed. CCQs, etc to confirm comprehension. CCQs: For Genre: “Is the Godfather a romantic comedy?” (No) For opinions/recommendations: “If its a good movie, is it worth the ticket price?” (Yes) If we use “In conclusion” do we expect the text to end soon? (yes) Synonyms: For Descriptive words of elements, comparing negative and positive. For linkers: Ask students to make their own relationship sentences using the linkers. ICQs? --Show TL in original text, color coded. --Check comprehension via Jamboard matching exercise. Potential Meaning Problem: Ss might not be familiar with the exact meaning of the genre terms. Solution: give well known examples (“Star Wars is a sci-fi movie.”) Problem: Ss might confuse/mix some of the adjectives that apply to the various elements, since some are interchangeable. Solution: confirm its ok, but use more synonyms to try to elicit the nuances of meaning. Form potential problems: -problem: ss might mix up the words in the genres or try to tweak the fixed opinion phrases -solution ask CCQ’s: Can we say “It’s a sci-fi”? No, needs a noun (film, movie, picture) Should we say “I enjoyed the biopic film.” No, the word “film” is unnecessary. Can we say “Give it pass.” No, we need the preposition “a” before the noun. --Show Jamboard AK

Productive Task(s) (20-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Set up the task, and ask them to start thinking about what movie they would write a review for; show main parts slide again. Inform: own review, 45-60 words, 8-10 sentences, covering all 6 parts (2 minutes) Share handout with TL in Chat. Tell them they should try to use the words and phrases in their writing. Give link to Google Slides in chat. Show how to find their own individual slide. Give them a few (3) minutes to think / take notes on their ideas. Inform of time, and tell them later they'll be moved to BOR's to compare and check each other's work using the check box. Start task: 12 minutes. Put in BORs (3 minutes) in pairs to do check lists, and if time permits, discuss if you would be convinced by this review. Monitor while they are writing and assist where required. As they write note examples of good language or errors for DEC.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

OCFB based on previous monitoring (2) and DEC (2)

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