Kimberley van Weezendonk Kimberley van Weezendonk

TP7_LP_Kimberley van Weezendonk
pre-intermediate level


In this lesson the aim is to introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of describing people. The ss will be divided into two groups and they will play a game whereby one group will be police officers and the other will describe the suspect. By playing this game, ss will practice their speaking for fluency.


Abc Exercise 1 Module 5 of Studentsbook New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate, page 48
Abc exercise 2: Role play crime scene

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of describing people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening and reading for gist


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To set lesson context and to engage ss I will show a slide with a newspaper article from Metro News about a robbery at a London hotel. - ask ss. to read the article and tell me what it is about - ask if they think the suspect looks like a thief and if they can describe her for me - ask if they were in the lift with this person in the Hotel if they would recognise her as a thief.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

- show pictures, questions and vocabulary on Google slide - ask ss if they are familiar with the vocabulary on the right hand side of the slide - ask ss if they can answer the questions under the pictures. If none of the ss answer, appoint them individually. - listen to audio recording of an interview between a police officer and a witness. -play recording

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

to highlight and clarify some useful language I will show the ss google slides with several sentences for asking about people and describing people. The sentences have been taken from the audio script. - talk about meaning of the sentences when showing the slide - ask CCQ's: 1) was he 49 years old? NO 2) How old was he? Somewhere between 30 and 39 3) Was his hair blond? No 4) Was it the same colour as chocolate?Yes 5) What is the opposite of having a beard? Clean shaven 6) Can we answer the question "what was he wearing?" with " he was wearing a beard"? No 7) What kind of things do people wear? Clothes, skirts, trousers, sweater etc. -Ask if ss have any questions about these sentences. - explain the form of the describing sentences to ss. and indicate question words - explain the form of the asking sentences to ss. - Play audio again if necessary. Show ss the jamboard on intonation and elicit from ss. in which sentences the intonation goes up and in which one the intonation goes down.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

To provide an opportunity for ss to practice the TL I will ask them to do the following. - tell ss. they have to imagine they are at a crime scene. Thieves have stolen diamonds from an apartment building. I will divide you into group A and group B. Group A are the witnesses and group B are the police officers. - I will now share some specific information about the witness only with ss from group A over the chat. - I will also share some specific information for the police officers in group B over the chat now. -Ask: Have you all got the specific information for your group? - I will put group A in a BOR and group B in a separate breakout room. - You will have time to read your role cards and then discuss among each other. - Please make notes because you will need them for the next part! - Divide the groups in two BOR'S - 5 minutes in BOR's - When the ss get back from the BOR's tell them they are now going into BOR's in pairs (1 from group A and 1 from group B) - They have 5 minutes to do the role plays. At the end of the interview the Police officers will decide who was the man in de lift. If the answer is wrong, A must tell him why it is wrong and B gets one more chance. - when ss are in BOR's I will monitor for good language use and errors

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

-Ask ss if police officers had the correct answer - tell ss in OCFB the good language use and do delayed error correction

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