carolina nunez carolina nunez

TP4 LP Carolina Nunez
pre intermediate level


In this lesson Students will learn about the use of past continuous and construct detailed narratives about things that were ongoing at a specific point in the past.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past continuous in the context of activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of experiences


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will ask Ss to relate and discuss about recent activities they had What were you doing before this? What were you eating at lunchtime yesterday? What were you chatting about with your friends when you last talked to them? What were you thinking about two minutes ago? What were you wearing when you last went out at night?

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will as Ss to read the text "who broke the window" and engage discussing what the text is about with a true or false 1. Donald was just sitting on a bench in the school garden during the break. ( ______ ) 2. Amanda was talking to Mr. Allen because she needed some help with a project. ( ____ ) 3. Stephen was playing tag with his friends whenhe fell down and hurt his knee. ( _____) 4. Frank was playing baseball, but Ryan wasn’t during the break. ( ____ ) 5. Bradley and her friends were working on a poster for endangered animals. ( _____)

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will give away the TL to Ss, so that they can find a few examples of it and point them out in the text I will ask Ss to briefly fill out some questions about the text 1. What were Nancy and Jennifer doing during the break? 2. Who was drawing a picture of the pine tree and the birdhouse? 3. Why was Larry running back home? 4. What was Kevin doing in the school lab? 5. Why was Stephen crying on the bench under the tree? 6. Who was playing the piano in the music room? 7. What was Frank doing when he broke the window? I will discuss and answer questions with the Ss

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will provide Ss with exercises of past continuous which we'll be solving together and cover the : MEANING I will ask Ss to write examples of the "ing form" of the verbs presented Iive, stay, run, win, go Ss will complete a table in past continuous with affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences, specifying it is made with "was" or "were" using the previous verbs Ss will familiarise with the formula > Subject + was/were + present participle (verb+ing) + the rest of the sentence I will review the sentences and ask Ss some CCQ's Asking which are ongoing actions do we know when it was happening ? they were not playing ? Alex wasn't eating ? You were singing ? was I listening ? Ss will know how it describes on going actions in the past I will review the answers and discuss with Ss FORM I will ask Ss how is a sentence in past continuous and what is made of : positive Subject + was/were + ___________ + the rest of the sentence Negative Subject + _________+ not + present participle (verb+ing) + _________ "I was walking to school when it started to rain." "She was studying for her exam when I called her." PRONUNCIATION I will work on the sentences "stress" and the count of syllabus with Ss Ss will identify what stress goes on each of the previous sentences and read them out

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will ask Ss to write questions in past continuous with - she / on a chair / sit - - you/ your bag / pack - - his head / ache - - we / tea / drink - - you / the bike / repair I will ask Ss to put the verbs in the past continuous I .........(study) while I (listen) to music. While I........ (eat), my sister (get) ready to go out. As I...... (walk) through the park, I saw Lisa with her dog. We......... (watch) a film on TV while Jade ......(play) games on the computer. I will ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs I will provide feedback on their exersices

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will provide Ss with a video with a dialogue to role play I will ask Ss what's in the interaction on the dialogue applied their own experiences I will ask Ss to discuss I will monitor and look out for possible mistakes and correct accordingly Ss will look for their peer's possible mistakes and their own, Ss will ask questions I will provide Ss with DEC We will conclude the learning meeting

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