abdelrahman barakat abdelrahman barakat

Morning ,evening routines and food
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson students will be able to produce speaking task about their morning routines using the usfel language


Abc Handouts
Abc Listening audio track
Abc PowerPoint presentation
Abc Cutting edge A1 starter

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Mini talk in the context of Morning routines and meals

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist in the context of Morning routines and meals in china
  • To provide specific information in the context of Morning routines and meals in china


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in topic and brainstorming

1)Teacher shows some pictures of things we do in the morning and engage students with this question (what from these do you do in the morning) 2) Teacher use a matching activity using pictures to help understand the meaning 3) Teacher ask them to discuss in pairs (at what time do they do these activities) 4) get content feedback and move on to the next stage

PTV (2-5 minutes) • Pre-teach students to the challenging words in order to unblock any difficulties in listening task

1)Give a matching activity that students match pictures to the word 2) drilling and modelling these words for a better listen activity

Listening for gist (3-5 minutes) • Make students familiar with general idea and meaning of the track

Students listen to the audio and order the 3 sentences on page 54 ex 2a in the correct order they are given 2 min to read first then listen Teacher use clear ICQ's so the students understand the task Are we going to listen only?

Listening for specific information (4-6 minutes) • To understand mourning routines and meals in China

Students listen again to the same audio but this time they are given (true or false) activity from 6 sentences on page 54 ex 2b Then check answers in an open class

Usfel language (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with usfel language that they will use for an easier free practice of speaking

Teacher shows usfel language on the board and power point giving some examples such as ( most of people eat koshary in egypt) And for time expressions such as (we usually pray early /late ) The usfel language is left on the board so they can make good use of it when preparing

Free practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide ss with an opportunity to practice free speaking focusing on fluency

Students are given 2 min to prepare a mini talk about their morning routines they can use any of the usfel language they are asked to work in pairs when they are preparing then give each of them 2 min

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To provide ss with feedback on their content and language

Teacher take notes on students language problems and correct them Aslo Teacher is to give feedback back about the content and motivate great idea's

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