Ebru Senli Ebru Senli

Elementary level


In the lesson students will improve their receptive and proctive skills. Students will learn new vocab on parts of the body and ilness. Students will read a text on different peoples ideas on remedy. Students will also improve their fluent speaking skills while free activity.


Abc match words with pictures
Abc reading

Main Aims

  • • Students will learn new vocab on health problems and part of the body.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • Students will improve their productive skills during free activity. Students will speak for fluency and accuray.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • For Ss to understand the tasks we will be covering during the lesson.

Teacher will ask students what happens when you fall ill or if you catch a cold. Teacher will elicit some answers from students. Teacher ask students what part of your body hurts when you catch a cold.

Pre-teaching Vocabulary (7-8 minutes) • Teacher wiil elicit using pictures

Teacher will show pictures on powerpoint and ask elicit the ilnesses they can see. Teacher will give ideas or clues for students to understand the ilness. Teacher will elicit some vocab from students 'rest' 'medicine' 'high temperature' 'sore throat' 'suddenly' and 'cure'. Teacher will use body language or some pictures to elicit. Teacher will ECDW for students to pronounce the word correct.

Match words with pictures (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will elicit Teacher will ask students to work on their own and will monitor. If students have difficulty teacher will ask students to work in pairs or check their answers in pairs. Teacher will CCQ 'how many fingers do we have 'how many arms do we have'. teacher will drill some difficult words with students 'throat' 'stomach' 'mouth' 'shoulder' 'thumb' 'fingers' and 'toes'

complete the table (5-6 minutes) • For students to understand the vocab we have covered.

Teacher will ask students to work in pairs so stronger students can help weaker students. Students will cross out the health problems they can see in the picture given on the handout. Teacher will monitor for support and will get feedback from students. For the second excercise teacher will ask students to write the problems in the table seen in the box. When they have completed students will compare their answers teacher will get feedback from students. Teacher will ask students which starts suddenly, flue or cold and will get feedback from students.

reading for gist (3-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Teacher will ask students to read the text and discuss in pairs the context of the text. Teacher will get feedback from students .

reading for specific information (4-5 minutes) • For students to find specific information in the text.

Teacher will ask students to read the text and find the cures in the text and list them. Teacher will monitor students and will give support if needed. ICQ 'are you going to read again' 'are you looking for the cures' . Teacher will ask students to compare their answers and teacher will get feedback from students.

Post-Reading (3-4 minutes) • For Ss to practice and improve their speaking skills.

Teacher will re-group students and will ask them to discuss which person they agree with and what do you do or family members when you become ill. Teacher will monitor for delayed feedback and error correction

Free activity (7-8 minutes) • to give students a chance to practice other skills based on their understanding of the text.

Teacher will ask students to work in pairs and take turns for role play. Student A will choose a problem and mime it. Student B will guess what is wrong and will tell what to do to get better. Teacher will demo for students to get clear idea. Teacher will monitor for delayed error correction

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