Jocelyn McDonald Jocelyn McDonald

Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about countable and uncountable nouns through exposure to text, and in which they will have to identify the meaning and form, and practice pronunciation. They will then practice the target language through controlled and free practice.


Abc Google Slides
Abc Conversation for Gist
Abc MFP- Google Forms
Abc Controlled Practice Gap Fill
Abc Student Book-Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Main Aims

  • To introduce to and practice quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation, in the context of using countable and uncountable nouns in real life situations.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will ask my ss the following questions on the screen. Then I’ll nominate a student to ask me. I will answer to show example. After, as normally only 2-3 students join, I will ask them to nominate each other. 1. How many people are in your family? 2. Do you have any pets?

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will ask students to read the conversation for the main idea, and decide what it is about. Then I will ask ICQ’s: (Do you think you need to read slowly or quickly for the main idea? Quickly. How long do you have? 3 minutes. Do you work individually or with a partner? Individually). I will ask them not to submit it. Students will read a conversation. They will answer two questions after. For gist, they will answer “What is the conversation about?”. For the intensive stage they will be asked to identify the words that helped them decide. They should find 6 words. They can compare answers and then we will have Open Class FB.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will explain the next task and then ask ICQ’s (How long do you have? 4 minutes. Do you work individually or with a partner? Individually.) When students are finished, they can check answers with each other. I will share the correct answers, and I will then provide some open-class feedback. After will look at sentence stress/pronunciation to see if students can identify any word stress in the sentences. I will model and drill. MEANING 1. Do you have ANY brothers or sisters? • one or more brother or sister✔️ • no brothers or sisters 2. I have A FEW books on English. • a small number of books✔️ • a large number of books 3. I have ENOUGH milk for my coffee this morning. • more than what I need of milk • just the right amount of milk✔️ 4. There are A LOT OF beautiful mountains and forests where I grew up. • a small number of forests and mountains -a large number of forests and mountains ✔️ 5. I have TOO MUCH homework. • more homework than I would like to have✔️ • just the right amount of homework 6. There are TOO MANY bars playing loud music at 3am. • more bars than I would like -used with Plural Countable nouns✔️ -more bars than I would like- used with Uncountable nouns FORM I will elicit form from Ss. Choose the correct form of the 4 Quantifiers used above: few a few✔️ a lot of✔️ lot of much too much✔️ many too many✔️ PRONUNCIATION 1. I will model sentences with stress and connected words. 2. I will ask Ss to identify syllables in the sentences. 3. I will ask my Ss to drill. SENTENCE STRESS 1. Do you have any brothers or sisters? du ju hev 'ni 'bradarz or 'sisterz? 2. I have a few books on English. al hav a fu buks an 'inglif. 3. I have enough milk for my coffee. al hev i'naf milk far mai 'kafi. 4. There are a lot of beautiful mountains and forests where I grew up. der ar a lat av 'biutefal 'mauntanz end forasts wer al gru p. 5. I have too much homework. al hav tu mat 'houm wark. 6. There are too many bars playing loud music at 3am. der ar tu 'meni barz 'plenn laud 'mjuzik at 3am.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will explain the next task and then ask ICQ’s (How long do you have? 3 minutes. Do you work individually or with a partner? Individually.) Once finished, students can discuss their answers and I will share the answer key and give OCFB as necessary.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will share the following information on the screen. Your classmates want to visit your city/country. Use some of the quantifiers you learned today to tell them why (or why not) they should visit it. any, enough, too many, too much, a lot of, a few 1. I want to visit your city/your country. What can you tell me about it? I will get a student to say the first statement and then ask me the question. I will answer to show example. I will then get them to nominate each other.


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