Hisham Hisham

Copy of Listening for gist and specific information
intermediate level


In this lesson, ss practice listening for gist and for specific information. The lesson starts with students discussing pictures about childhood memories, then they are introduced to new words that they will hear later on in the audio track. After that, students listen for gist and then for specific information and the freer practice will be a speaking activity in pairs.


Abc Handouts from New Cutting Edge, intermediate level p. 19
Abc CD player
Abc recording 2.6 on p.19
Abc Markers
Abc 'Find someone who' sheet
Abc Visuals
Abc Colored rods
Abc Handouts from New Cutting Edge, intermediate level p. 19
Abc Handouts from New Cutting Edge, intermediate level p. 19
Abc Handouts from New Cutting Edge, intermediate level p. 19

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, ss will develop listening for gist and specific information.

Subsidiary Aims

  • After the listening part, ss practice speaking for fluency and accuracy in pairs/ groups.


Warm up (4-5 minutes) • To engage the ss and get to know them.

T hands each student a sheet of 'Find someone who' and instructs ss that they can ask each person two questions only,that way they will have to mingle more. After they are done, T asks if they are surprised by anything on their list, focusing more on the students who have done numbers 3,5,6 and 10 to introduce the theme of 'Childhood memories'

Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To get ss interested in the topic and provide a communicative focus for the listening part.

In pairs, ss take a look at the pictures on p. 19 ex. 1a. to predict the story behind the pictures that they will listen to. Ss share their ideas in o/c discussion.

Pre-listening (pre-teach vocabulary) (3-5 minutes) • To make ss understand some difficult expressions that could hurdle their understanding while listening.

T hangs visuals of the following vocab items: get the blame for sth, slot machine, slide, a fairground, to bully someone, marble floor. Briefly, T explains them, checks understanding through CCQs , models their pronunciation and checks form with the ss. T also asks ss to take a look at the vocab box in ex. 1b in case there is another vocab item that they do not understand. If a student does not recognize any of the other vocab items, T asks another student's help to clarify the meaning for his/her colleague.

Setting task (1-1 minutes) • Ss internalize and prepare for the listening track.

T explains that ss will listen now to two people talking about their childhood memories to answer ex. 2.

Listening for gist (3-5 minutes) • Ss listen to get the overall impression of the audio track

-Ss listen to the track then answer ex. 2 individually, then they check their answers in pairs. After that, T provides the correct answer.

Listening for specific details (5-8 minutes) • Ss develop the skill of listening for specific details in the audio track

T asks ss to read the questions carefully in ex. 3a because they will answer them after listening again to Justin's story. After they listen, ss answer 3a in pairs then check with the pair next to them and then,open-class feedback. Then T asks ss to read ex. 3a carefully and quickly as they have done in the previous exercise. Ss listen, answer 3b in pairs, check with another pair then o/c feedback.

Speaking (10 minutes) • Ss respond to the audio track to develop oral fluency

Individually, ss think of a story from their childhood (they have options in ex.4a). T clarifies that it does not have to be a very sad story,just sth light, inspiring or amusing.(2 min to think) Ss tell their pairs about their story (3 min) then they swap pairs within their table (3 min), then T gives each ss a colored rod and asks similar colors to sit together to tell their stories to each other (3 min.).

Feedback and Error correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide ss with feedback on content and accuracy

T asks ss who has a fun story to tell?! for content feedback and writes on the board the mistakes made by the ss while speaking for language feedback.

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