Kieraney Luna Kieraney Luna

TP 7_LP Luna
A2 level


In this lesson I will have students write about where they live, they will identify aspects such as food, weather, population etc.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice writing in the context of describing the city they live in

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text describing a city


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will project jam board: T will tell students to answer the question What do you like about the city you live in? T instructs Ss they will be discussing these questions in pairs and to come up with 3 likes T instructs them that they have 2 minutes ICQ: How many likes are you picking? Are you thinking about it individually or discussing it in pairs? T will monitor in Breakout rooms After breakout rooms T will nominate Ss to answer the question and put examples on sticky notes

Pre Teach Vocab (5-6 minutes) • Explain challenging words from the text to help understanding

• T. lets Ss know they will be working on a vocabulary task • T. shares link to Google slides in zoom chat. Ss will see four sentences with words in bold and four definitions. • T. will do a demo with the first word. Ss. will match the sentences with the correct meaning and fill in which part of speech each lexis item is (Breakout - PW 2 min) • T will have Ss discuss answers with the class (1 min) • T will check answers with whole group and go over meaning, form and pronunciation. - T. will go over pronunciation by saying the words with the students and asking how many syllables each word has and where they are. T will ask them where the stress is

Exposure (7-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T will share a link of google forms text Ss will be instructed to read the text individually and see if it talks about any of the same likes they gave for their city. (maybe food, nature etc) ICQ: are you working in pairs or individually? Are you looking for like or dislikes? Ss will read the text individually (2 min) and then discuss their answers in pairs (2 min) T will then ask Ss to identify where in the text it talks about it T will then have Ss go to the next section and match the paragraph with the question it answers (What is it famous for? What is the weather like? etc) T will give demo with the first question T will instruct Ss they have 2 min to discuss in pairs T will go over answers with the group by nominating Ss

Productive Task(s) (13-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T will tell Ss that they will be writing about where they live following the same model as the text 1. Where do you live? How big is it? 2. What's it like? What is there to see there? 3. What is the weather like? 4. What is it famous for? 5. What's the best thing about it? Do you like living there? T will instruct Ss to brainstorm answers to the questions above for 3 minutes ICQ: are you writing your paragraph or brainstorming right now? T will instruct Ss to write 5 short paragraphs, following the model and that they will have 10 min ICQs how many paragraphs are you going to write? Are they going to be long or short?

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T will nominate Ss to share aspects of their writing, such as what their city is famous for, what the weather is like etc. T will do DEC with mistakes and correct them with Ss

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