Justin Lifflander Justin Lifflander

TP6_Justin_Lifflander Functional Language
Pre Intermediate A2 level


Abc TL handout, Gap fill script, Role Play prompts (3 total)

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice functional language for a visit to the doctor via listening, reading, speaking.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Adding new lexis by filling in gaps, categorizing and role playing
  • Expanding speaking comfort by role playing, pronunciation drills


Warmer/Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

When was the last time you were ill/injured? What was wrong? What did you do about it? (inet self care pharmacy (apteka) or doctor) What did the doctor tell you? Did you take time off from work?

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Inform Ss we are shortly going to listen to a recording of 2 short conversations between a doctor and a patient. But first, ask them to predict what problems the patient might have and what questions the doctor might ask? and fill in a google slide collectively with their ideas. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ycblvrQhjlJL2GTdJ_xqWSe-6aIEK1HzRwZzpAWSwYs/edit#slide=id.p Briefly discuss ideas. Then listen to recording first time, (listening for gist) THen show answer key.

Highlighting (5-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Then explain we listen again for detail. Provide question list. And Google slide where they can write in answers to the questions, while listening again. AND viewing the transcript. ICQ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ycblvrQhjlJL2GTdJ_xqWSe-6aIEK1HzRwZzpAWSwYs/edit#slide=id.g261e70a3187_0_2 Show answer key. CCQ to clarify / confirm comprehension.

Clarification (13-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Share a jamboard , instruct to drag the sticky notes to the line/area of the slide with the gaps/missing words from the phrases. Some of the phrases are what a doctor would say, and some are what a patient would say. (Categorizing for meaning) https://jamboard.google.com/d/1GMnScpRjUvKoNMBvLa8gRizstFCSe5RqrjgdIVBZx38/viewer?f=0 Share answer key. Pronunciation: Focus on Intonation and Sentence Stress: Explain relationship between intonation and certainty. Elicit possible tones: Doctors tone: Sympathetic and Inquiring Patients tone: depressed. Drill: Choral and individual For form: Highlight key verbs: Have (got); Catch; Take and ccq via negatives for understanding. Also briefly touch on grammar constructions: Qs for doc,(How long + pres perfect) ;What’s “the matter:/ the problem answers from patient: I”feel + adj; It hurts when + subj + verb

Controlled Practice (6-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Give instructions/task: work in pairs to fill in the gaps from an excerpt of previous recording. Show example. ICQ Give handout for Task questions, Handout for TL, and link to Google form. Send to BORs for 3 minutes to work in pairs, to decide what answers go in the blank spaces. Agree and fill in. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTq5v7Xni96Dvz7FtL7mL1IxoZq9HyUcQp67TgJN2M1A2Vlw/viewform?usp=sf_link Monitor BORs for later DEC and presence/participation. Show answer key, OCFB.

Free Practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Explain task: use same TL handout, on free-style role playing. Students take turns being doctor and patient, and have a list of prompts for each role Provide 2 more handouts: A and B. Model example. Send to BORs One person quickly decides to start, open Student A; second Studnt B: 3 minutes, then switch, 3 minutes. Instructions, example, handout (student a, b) Take turns being doctor and patient, use the handouts for content… A and B Start line…. Give example…. ICQ? Put in BORs Monitor BORs for later DEC and presence/participation.

FB and DEC (4-4 minutes) • OCFB after FP and Closing DEC

OCFB about role play. DEC on errors observed in BORs (MFP).

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