Nina Nina

Listening lesson
Upper-Intermediate level


Abc Presentation

Main Aims

  • to enable students to develop their listening skills for gist and detailed understanding in the context of an interview about IoT

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To enable students to develop their speaking skills in the context of an interview about IoT


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To make students interested in the topic of today's class, show students a short and funny video (slide 2) about a guy who is having some troubles with his smart home technology. After watching the video, tell students that the video is connected with the topic of the class and ask students whether they have any ideas about the topic. - "Guys, I'm gonna show you a short funny video that is connected with the topic of the class. Do you have any guesses regarding the topic of today's class?"

Pre-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening and make it accessible

Ask students to look at the questions from slide 3. Give them 3 minutes to discuss these questions with their partners. Elicit some ideas but keep the feedback brief as students will hear the answers in the listening 8.1 in the next exercise. - "Guys, let's look at the questions on the slide. I'm gonna give you 3 minutes and you will discuss them with your partners." Tell students you're going to pre-teach some vocabulary from the listening they are going to work with. Show students slide 4 and send the link 1 to the zoom chat. Ask them to work individually and match the words in bold with the definitions. Tell them that when they finish, they will see whether their answers are correct. - "Guys, we're going to work with some difficult words from the listening. I've just sent you the link to our zoom chat. Open it, please. There is a matching activity. Work individually and match the words to the definitions. You have 2-3 minutes." Show students slide 5 with the answers. Work with slides 6-10. Ask students which parts of speech these words are. - "Look at the words. Let's identify the part of speech. Are they nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives..?" Ask students how many syllables these words have. - "How many syllables do these words have?" Ask students to identify the stress in the words. Model the pronunciation. Drill the pronunciation. - "Where is the stress in these words?"

While-Listening #1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

Tell students you are going to listen to the beginning of a radio interview with a technology expert. (slide 11) Ask students to listen and then to work in pairs (2-3 minutes) and compare their answers (for questions from slide 3) with the answers that the expert gives. Check answers together. (slide 12) - "We're going to listen to the beginning of a radio interview with a technology expert. Try to remember how he answers the questions that you discussed in our previous activity. Work together and compare your answers with the expert's answers." ICQ - Do you just need to listen to the expert’s answers or also compare it with your answers?

While-Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

Tell students that in the next part of the interview they will hear about how loT will affect our lives in the future. (slide 13) Tell them to make notes about how the people below could benefit from IoT. a) car owners b) farmers c) people with diabetes. - "Guys, in the next part of the interview you will hear about how loT will affect our lives in the future. Make notes about how the people below could benefit from IoT. a) car owners b) farmers c) people with diabetes." ICQ: Do you guys just listen to the recording or you also need to make some notes? Play the recording 8.2 Give students 5-6 minutes and ask them to work together and compare their answers (slide 14). - "You have 5-6 minutes. Work together and compare your answers." Nominate 1-2 students to share their answers. Show the answers on the slide 15.

Post-Listening (13-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the recording and expand on what they've learned

Tell the students they are going to discuss some potential benefits and risks of some internet connected things. Send the link "follow-up activity" to the zoom chat. Tell them that they need to look at at the internet-connected things, which currently exist, and decide how they might be useful and who they might be useful for. Also, tell them to think about the risks. Give them 5 minutes. (slide 16) - "You are going to discuss some potential benefits and risks of some internet connected things. You can find the link to the doc in our zoom chat. Look at the internet-connected things, which currently exist, and decide how they might be useful and who they might be useful for. Also, think about some potential risks. You have 5 minutes. " ICQ - Do you need to discuss only benefits or also mention some risks? Compliment students on interesting discussions. Nominate 1-2 students to share what they discussed. Share examples of speech that is good, incorrect, and that can be reformulated. Elicit from students whether each example is correct. Provide corrections and model/drill pronunciation if necessary. Ask students what they liked about the class, what was new for them, which things they revised. (slide 17) - "What did you like about the class? What was new for you? "

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