Zhanar Zhanar

Copy of Future Time Clauses
Pre-Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, students will learn how to pair a main and subordinate clauses to talk about things which will possibly, immediately, and certainly happen in the future. The last part of the lesson will be dedicated to giving the Ss an opportunity to use the target language including the future time clauses where the teacher seeks a speaking practice for accuracy.


Abc Inside Out. Pre_Intermediate. Student's Book. Macmillan
Abc http://www.oxforddictionaries.com
Abc Inside Out. Pre_Intermediate. Student's Book. Macmillan

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of future time clauses in the context of lifestyle

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of lifestyle.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set a context for the lesson and engage the students

The T will write three sentences on the WB about his plans for future using conjunctions like 'as soon as, 'when' and 'if'. Then, the Twill ask the Ss about the tenses of these sentences: As soon as I finish my CELTA course, I will travel back home. If I pass the CELTA course, I will find a good job. When I have a good job, I will buy a new car. The teacher will elicit the answers from the Ss to highlight the main and helping verbs in the above sentences so as to draw the Ss's attention to the grammatical structure which they will be introduced to through the context of the lifestyle.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To set the students in the context of lifestyle

I will first CCQ the Ss to confirm the information presented in the previous stage: Am I in Istanbul now? Yes Have I finished my CELTA course? No Do I have a good job now? No Do I have a car? Yes Is it new or old? Old Will I buy a new T.V or a new car? A new car After that, the T will elicit from the Ss the main and subordinate clauses they can find the examples and highlight them on the WB. Then, the T will CCQ the Ss with the grammatical structures that are found in the sentences on the WB. How many parts are there in each sentence? 2 Which action will happen first? The first one (as in the examples above) Which action will be the next? The second part (as in the examples above) Which tense is used in the first part? Present simple Which tense is used in the second part? Future simple At this moment students will find out the structure themselves. The T will indicate that almost after these conjunctions we cannot use future tense.

Clarification (9-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target language

The Ss will be in pairs to read the sentences they listened to in the previous lesson (p.96, ex.1). During this time, the T will circulate to make sure the Ss are on the right track.Then, the T will have the answers from the WC and write them on the WB. The T will also underline the clauses to highlight the function of each separately where answers will be elicited from the Ss. This will be followed with another handout (p.96, ex.2) to let them further grasp the meaning and function of each clause. Afterwards, the T will elicit a proper timeline which resembles the form of the future time clauses on the WB. Then, the T will simulate the pronunciation of the clauses and transcribe them on the WB. The Ss will understand the ways of pronouncing these clauses solely and with a combination of words, particularly 'as soon as'. The Ss will practice these individually and chorally.

Controlled Practice/1 (6-7 minutes) • To further promote the students' understanding of the grammatical aspects of the future time clauses

The T will provide the Ss with a HO including ungrammatical sentences. The Ss will first work individually and then in pairs to compare their answers. When they finish, the T will show the answers on the WB (answer key) to let the Ss check theirs .

Controlled Practice/2 (4-5 minutes) • To check that the students understand the future time clauses and the grammatical structure of each

The T will give the Ss a HO (p.96,ex.4) containing correct and incorrect verb structures. They will first work in pairs to decide the correct options. The T will have the answers from the WC and then display the answer key on the WB.

Speaking for accuracy (7-8 minutes) • To provoke the students' productive skills (speaking)

The T will nominate a topic for discussion addressing the Ss as ' you are going to be a manager to a new company'. What are your plans to make it a successful one'?. In two minutes, the Ss will first work individually and then share his/her ideas with the WC. The T will monitor and note down their errors. When the Ss finish, the T will write some of most important errors on the WB and elicit the correction from the Ss.

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