abdelrahman barakat abdelrahman barakat

Will for offers and instant decisions
Intermediate level


In this lesson students get to learn and practice the usage of (will) with different forms and situations of offers , instant decisions and questions


Abc Cutting edge intermediate
Abc PowerPoint presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide
  • To provide clarification, practice and review

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of General life situations students centered


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in topic and brainstorming

TT show some pictures using pp presentation related to (what if) situations to creat interest and set the context for the lesson

PTV (1-2 minutes) • Help students unblock difficult vocabulary for better listening

Elicit the expressions of (giva a lift/ pickup) from the last photo in the lead in that is related to this topic of giving someone a ride due to his situation and give a matching activity for the vocabulary that is not challenging to solve in pairs then check answars via open class

Listening for gist (2-3 minutes) • Insure the sense of new target language familiarity with the contracted form of (i will)

Students listen only to the recordings with the task of (what is the conversation about?) Using ICQ's to make the instruction clear

Listening for specific information (2-4 minutes) • Students use (I'll) to practice the usage

Students fill in the gabs page 73 students book conversation 1 and 2 then check in pairs

Language clarification (5-7 minutes) • To highlight meaning ,pronunciation and form of (will)

Elicit the meaning of will from listening answer such as did he go now ? Did he go in the past ? Then its in the future As well as did she give her a lift ? No so will isn't 100% happening ex (it will rain) Pronunciation drill on the contracted form of I'll and won't that you tell students this use in speaking and shift when writing formally only Finally show form of subject+will+ verb present with also the negative (won't) also with wh questions and yes no responses and offers

Controlled practice (8-10 minutes) • Practice the usage of target language in writing

Workbook page 53 (make a sentence from these words) using will

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • Students produce answers using will in different form through speaking

Student get to pick cards , each card has a different question or situation and ask someone who answer using (will) as the answer varies in forms of (will)

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To provide ss with feedback on their content and language

Write a note during monitoring that contains common mistakes and at the end give details feedback on language mistakes and content of free practice so the students feel satisfaction and understand their own level of language

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