Amr Mohammed Amr Mohammed

Writing – sending/replying to invitations
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss learn about sending/replying to invitations by engaging with some invitation formats such as emails. Subsequently, students craft their own invitations and reciprocate responses with their peers.


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Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with a chance to practice writing within the context of composing emails to invite someone or reply to an invitation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a reading for gist practice To provide gist reading practice using texts about e-mail invitations and their replies in the context of social interactions..


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The class is divided into 3 pairs, or groups. - T asks Ss to answer the following question in pairs: 1- What are the documents you use to invite someone to a meeting, wedding, or weekend stay? 2- What are the details you include? 3- What are some useful expressions you can use for this purpose? 4- When was the last time you received/sent an invitation to someone? - T gives O/C feedback to Ss setting the context for the lesson.

Pre-teach Vocabulary (6-7 minutes) • To set the context for the upcoming task by introducing new vocab

- Pre-teach vocabulary: by eliciting the following words: Invitation - Wedding Anniversary - Short Notice - Look forward to seeing you

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through skim reading

- T asks Ss to skim-read 6 emails in 2 minutes - Ss match the emails to their appropriate replies - Ss are asked to determine the types on invitations - T gives O/C FB on WB (AK)

Genre Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To clarify useful language in terms of CLOGS (content, lexis, layout, organization, grammar, and style)

T divides Ss into two teams where each team has a list of 5 sentences. T asks the two teams to work together to decide whether each sentence is: Formal/informal (by writing F or I beside the snetence) Accepts/Denies the invitation (by writing A or D beside the sentence) Request/Excuse (by writing R or E beside the sentence) Check answers on WB. The team who has more points wins. T elicits info about CLOGS and drills the prashes to Ss.

Writing Task 1 (3-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with a chance to practice target productive skills by writing an invitation to a classmate.

T asks Ss to think of an event (a marriage party, a meeting, a picnic, a dinner, etc) and write an invitation email to their classmates. T gives Ss blank pieces of paper and asks them to write down their emails.

Writing Task 2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills by writing a reply accepting or refusing their classmate's invitation

T asks Ss to exchange their invitations and write a reply accepting or refusing their invitations. T asks Ss to provide an excuse if they refuse the email invitation. T asks Ss to stick their writings on the walls, read them, and select the best one. T provides O/C FB on the errors of content/language enabling Ss to correct their errors.

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