Kimberley van Weezendonk Kimberley van Weezendonk

TP5_LP_Kimberley van Weezendonk
pre-intermediate level


In this lesson ss will learn about the language used in a leaflet of a hotel and they will practice their writing and using this language by writing a leaflet to promote a place they like.


Abc google slides presentation
Abc leaflet hotel Reef 28 Resort
Abc jamboard

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a short leaflet to promote a place they like, e.g. a restaurant or a hotel.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading for gist and using promoting and informative language in writing.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To set the lesson and engage ss I will show a Google slide with a photo of a restaurant and a hotel. I will ask ss if they have a specific restaurant or hotel that they really like. Give ss 1 minute to think about it. If nobody answers I will ask ss individually if they have an example.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- I will start by making sure ss understand the following vocabulary which I think is essential to get the gist of the leaflet I will ask them to read. - Show slide with words. I wil ask ss if they know the meaning and if so, what is the meaning or give me a synonym of the following words. "amenity"(noun) (plural amenities) = a service provided for the people's comfort or enjoyment " accommodation" (noun) = a place where you live or stay. Synonym is room. "leaflet"= a piece of folded paper that contains information (show a leaflet on screen) - show slide with leaflet of the Reef 28 resort. - Ask ss. if they can see the slide. - Ask ss to read through the leaflet quickly and that they do not have to worry about difficult words. Some of the words will be explained later. They have 2 minutes to read. - Check understanding by asking the following CCQ's; 1) What is this? A leaflet of the hotel Reef 28 in Playa del Carmen 2) What is it used for? To provide information to potential guests and to persuade them to come to this resort. - ask ss. to write answers to these two question in the chat.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

To draw ss' attention to the language I will: - ask them what kind of hotel this is? Adults only - What kind of amenities do they have, what can you do there? Full service restaurant, rooftop with pool, fitness center, hair salon, parking, 24 hour room service, use of bicycles, evening entertainment.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

To clarify useful language for the coming productive task i will ask students to first identify the different parts of the leaflet. - show the Jamboard and share it in chat. Ask ss to stick the headings on the relevant parts of the text. Do first example to show them how. - then I will draw ss attention to the highlighted text and ask them what kind of language is used in this leaflet? Promoting and informative language. - ask ss. if they think this is formal, informal or neutral language. Neutral language. - show slide with the meaning of; Enjoy the best of unlike any other must have Ask the following CCQ's: 1) Is there anything better than the best? NO 2) Is the best something bad? No 3) What would be the opposite of the best of? The worst of 1) What is a synonym for 'unlike any other"? Unique or different from 2) Can you compare anything to it? no 3) What is the opposite of " unlike any other"? Like any other 1) Do people want to have this? Yes 2) what would be the opposite of must have? Something you definitely don't want to have. -Then tell ss that the form is fixed and ask CCQ's: 1) Can we say " Enjoy both of the best worlds"? No, form is fixed 2) Can we say " Any unlike the other"? No, form is fixed 3) Can we say "Have-must"? No, form is fixed.

Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skill

- I will show the Google slide with the writing tools and explain that ss have to write their own short leaflet to promote something they like (e.g. restaurant or hotel). Only a short piece of 35 to 45 words. - it needs to have the parts identified in the table next to the textbox - they will have 10 minutes to do so -individually label slides - share link in the chat - check if all ss have slide - emphasise they can write what they want but it needs to have the parts in the checklist on the side

Feed back and error correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback and error correction on ss's production and use of language

-Highlight the location or the checklist on the slide. - assign each ss a partner and ask them to read their partner's leaflet and see if they fulfilled the criteria on the checklist. i.e. 1) name and location 2) accommodation 3) amenities 4) unique selling point 5) contact details -Give ss 2 minutes to check their partner's email - Put them in BOR's to give oral feedback based on their checklist

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