Nina Nina

Reading lesson
Upper-Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To enable students to develop their reading skills for gist and detailed understanding in the context of reading an article about a common myth about the brain

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to develop their speaking skills in the context of an article about a common myth of the brain


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Tell students that you are going to play a short guessing game in which they have to identify something you are going to refer to as a "star". Show students the statements on the slide №2, read out the following statements, pausing after each one. Elicit that 'star' is a brain. Tell students that this is the topic of today's lesson.. - "Guys, we're gonna play a short guessing game. I'm gonna show you some statements. All of them contain one missing word, it's the same and I'll refer to it as a "star". Your task is to guess this word. Look at the statements. What do you think the missing word is?" 1) Everybody has one star. 2)The average star weighs about 15. kg. 3) A man's star is slightly bigger than a woman's star. 4) A star is active during the day and night. 5) You can't see or feel your own star, but without your star you wouldn't be able to see or feel anything. - "Great, so a person's brain is the topic of today's class."

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible, to cover MFP for some challenging words

Ask students how much they know about our brain, whether they know that it has a left-side and a right-side. Show them the slide №3 with the list of activities that are performed by the left and right side. Ask them to work together and decide which of the activities are performed by the left-side of our brain and which by the right. - "How much do you know about our brain? Do you know that it has a right side and a left side? Great, so guys look at the list of activities on the slide. Work in pairs and decide which of them are performed by the left-side of our brain and which by the right. Write L or R. You have 4 minutes. Do you, guys, just discuss together or you need to make notes and write L or R? " Ask students to put their answers to the zoom chat. Nominate 1-2 students to share their answers with the class. - "Was it hard, guys? Could you, please, type your answers to the chat?" Show the slide №4 with the answers, so students can check. Show students the slide №5 with 4 words from the text and ask them to work individually to match the words with their definitions. Ask students to put their answers to the chat. - "Look at the slide. There are 4 words from the text you're going to read. I put some sentences with these words, so it'll be easier for you to understand the meaning. Work individually and match the words to their definitions. You have 2 minutes. When you're ready, type your answers to the chat." Show students the slide №6 with the answers. Ask students which parts of speech these words are (slide №7) - "Look at the words. Let's identify the part of speech. Are they nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives..?" Ask students how many syllables these words have (slide №9-10). - "How many syllables do these words have?" Ask students to identify the stress in the words. Model the pronunciation. Drill the pronunciation. - "Where is the stress in these words?" (slide №12)

Reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist

Ask students to read the article quickly to get the gist. (slide №13) - "Guys, now look at the article. You have 3 minutes to very quickly read it." Ask students to look at 3 sentences (a,b,c) that describe the purpose of the article (slide 14), work individually and choose the sentence that best describes the purpose of the article. Ask students to put their answer to the chat. - "Look at 3 sentences that describe the purpose of the article and choose the sentence that best describes the purpose of the article. Do it individually and when you are ready put the correct letter to the chat." Check the answers together as a class and ask students which clues in the text led them to the answer (line 9: It's a shame then that it's all a load of nonsense. line 25: Here's the truth ). - "Which sentences from the text helped you to choose the answer?" Show students the correct answer. (slide 15)

Reading for details (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading

Give students plenty of time to re-read the article. - "Guys, now you have 3 minutes to re-read the article." Show students the slide №16 with the questions. Ask them to work in pairs and answer the questions. - "Now, look at the questions. Work together with your partners and try to answer the questions. You have 5 minutes." Nominate 1-2 students to share what they discussed. Show students the answers to the questions. ( slide №17)

Follow-up activity (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learnt, develop their critical thinking skills

Ask students to work in pairs and discuss 1-2 questions together. Tell them that they can discuss more if they have time.(slide №18) - "Guys, on the slide you see some questions for you. Work with your partners, choose 1-2 questions and discuss them. If you have time - discuss more. You have 6 minutes." Compliment ss on interesting discussions. Nominate 1-2 students to share what they discussed. Share examples of speech that is good, incorrect, and that can be reformulated. Elicit from ss whether each example is correct. Provide corrections and model/drill pronunciation if necessary. Ask students what they liked about the class, what was new for them, which things they revised. (slide №19) - "What did you like about the class? What was new for you? "

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