Karime Peña Karime Peña

Advanced level


In this lesson, students will practice listening for specific information in the context of "practical jokes".


Abc Summit 2

Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification in the context of practical jokes

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a summary in the context of practical jokes
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of practical jokes


Warmer/Lead-in (15-16 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students. To provide practice of new vocabulary

T greets students. T asks students to look at the picture. (Page 58 act. A). - What just happened? - Why is he saying to not take it personally? Students share their ideas. T plays the audio. Ss repeat the vocabulary. Page 58 act. B. T asks ss to look at the act. B in page 58 and asks them to listen and choose an option. T plays the audio. T checks if they need to listen twice. Ss share their answers in open class.

While-Listening (18-22 minutes) • To provide students with writing practice of a summary of the audio.

T asks students to listen again and take notes of what happened using indirect speech. T asks students to listen to another audio for clarification. T asks them if they need to listen again and complete the chart (act. D) for specific information. T asks ss if any of the jokes crossed the line. Ask them to explain why and how they would have reacted if it was them.

Post-Listening (18-22 minutes) • To provide speaking practice and team-work in the context of jokes.

Page 59 act. A T asks ss to look at the scorecard. Ask them to read each one and give them a rating. Act. B. Ask ss to compare their ratings and discuss why they chose them. -Do you agree? -How would you have responded/reacted to each joke? Act. C Ask ss to get in groups of 3 and discuss: -When do you think a practical joke crosses the line? -Have you ever played a practical joke on someone else? What was the joke and what happened? -What are your opinions on practical jokes? Are they acceptable?

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