Kathy Kathy

Elementary level


Main Aims

  • To present and practice lexis to describe what you like and don’t like (+) verb “ing”.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to develop their speaking skills by using lexis to describe what they like and don't like.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

•T. shows some pictures of different people and has Ss. talk about 1 question related to the topic of the lesson "Free time activities while on a first date.". Ex: What does he / she like? (1 min) •Elicit suggestions from Ss, concept check like + verb (ing) / + nouns. Drill She / He likes .... (2 min) •T. tells Ss to choose a date for Sandy and writes the answers on a zoom board so everybody can see them. (1 min)

Exposure - Gist Task (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

•T. tells Ss. they have 3 minutes to read a text ¨First Date¨ and tick off things Mark likes. •T. shares G form link in chat and has students do this exercise individually. (3 min) •Ss. check the answers in pairs in breakout rooms. (1 min) •T. checks answers with the whole class (OCFB) and get students notice examples of verb + ing or noun in text. (3 min)

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

•T. shows task and tells Ss they have 2 min to put the phrases in order. •T. shares a link on zoom chat to a Google Slides presentation and has students do the exercise individually. (2 min) •Ss. check the answers in pairs in breakout rooms. (1 min) •OCFB: T. puts answers on Slide to confirm. Answer key: (2 min) 1) I love.... 2) I really like ... 3) I like .... 4) I quite like... 5) ... is / are OK 6) I don't like ... 7) I hate ....

Clarification (13-14 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

•T. let Ss. know they will be working on a task related to some vocabulary. •T. shares a link on zoom chat to a Google Slides presentation to pre-teach the following items: - Reading - Travelling - Jazz - Fast food •Ss work in breakout rooms so they may match the words to the pictures. (2 min) •T. check answers with the whole group nominating Ss. (1 min) •T. shares screen and tells students: With ¨these phrases we can use V+ing or a noun. Look at these sentences: 1) I love reading books (v+ing) 2) I like books (noun) (1 min) •Ss complete the phrases with words (v+ing or nouns) from the box. ( 2 min) •OCFB: Ss check answers with the whole class (1 min) •Teacher highlights stressed syllables and pronunciation. (2 min) •Ss listen to some sentences and identify the stressed words in negative and positive sentences. (3 min) •Ss do pronunciation practice (2 min)

Controlled Practice (4-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

•Ss have 3 minutes to do exercise A and B on Google Slides after teacher´s instructions. •Ss do the exercises individually and then do answer check OCFB.

Free Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

•T. shares final slide where Ss. discuss the following question in breakout rooms: Imagine you go on a first date. What can you say about yourself? I love …. I (really) like ….. I don’t like …. I hate ….. •T. gives Ss a slide each and lets them write for 3 min •T. has Ss share their answers in pairs in BORs and monitors while Ss. speak. (2 min) •OCFB. After the Follow-up T. will nominate some Ss. to share their classmates or their own opinions about the questions. •T. shares a G slide to write down mistakes heard during the follow up and asks Ss. for corrections first. DEC focus on relevant vocabulary and verb form: LIKE / DON’T LIKE + VERB (ING) OR NOUN ( 3 min)

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