María Jose María Jose

Listening session
B2 level


Abc Lead - in: Google slide with pictures
Abc MFP handout (google form)
Abc Google form with main ideas - task: listening for gist
Abc Google slides with tasks and answer keys
Abc 1 Listening track
Abc 1 Listening track
Abc Handout - Listening task 2 (specific information)

Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice for gist and detail in the context of discussing an event.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to practise their fluency speaking skills by exchanging impressions about an event and to enable students to extend their lexical range in the context of discussing an event.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show pictures in Ex. 1a and ask the students to predict what they think the images are about. Ss respond orally (e.g. festivals, fairs, etc). Nominate students to make sure most of them participate. Interaction: whole class (T→Ss and T← →Ss). Ask Ss to mention some adjectives they can use to describe the photos. Ss participate freely. Echo the adjectives they say in order to make sure all the class hears them. Ask Ss to predict the location of the celebrations: where do you think these pictures have been taken? Ss respond orally. Say: "So, as you can see, today we are going to talk about events. You are going to give your opinions about events".

Pre-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it understandable.

MFP MEANING: Send the Ss a handout (google form) by chat with 4 or 5 challenging words from the listening track (backdrop, highlight, claustrophobic, stunning, live up to). Provide the instructions: ask Ss to choose the right alternative to complete the sentences (e.g. Even though I did my best effort, I was never able to live up to my boss's expectations). Open class Feedback: check answers with all the students (show answers on screen, one by one). Ask some Ss (volunteers) to share their responses aloud. Focus on clarifying wrong answers: show the correct answer, then ask ss to explain why that is the correct option. Then, clarify and explain the reason briefly, to make sure all the learners understand. FORM: Show the 5 words on a google slide and ask the Ss to decide the part each word plays in a sentence. Ask the Ss: "is this a noun, adjective, verb, adverb, etc?". The students reply orally. Feedback: Show the right answers after the Ss have replied. Focus on correcting the mistakes. Clarify why the word plays that role and how it's used. For example, say: "claustrophobic is an adjective, as it describes how a person feels when they are trapped in a small space, such as an elevator. We normally use it to describe people. For instance, he is claustrophobic". PRON Show three difficult words to pronounce from the listening track on a slide (stunning, highlight, claustrophobic). Tell the Ss: "Repeat each word after me". Say each term aloud once. Ss repeat the sounds. Feedback: if a mistake is noticed, say that word aloud again to clarify how it sounds. Use the word claustrophobic, as it's the most difficult to pronounce in the group, to ask Ss where the stress is supposed to go. Guide them to notice the word has 4 syllables. Ask them to say in which syllable they would make an emphasis. After the Ss respond, clarify this to all the learners.

While - Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • To enable students to understand the main idea of a conversation about an event.

Tell learners they will listen to a conversation between two friends (Anya and Zac) who are at a festival. Explain they should listen and try to get the general idea of the conversation. Ask: "What are they talking about?". Tell Ss to listen carefully and write down some notes (main ideas) about the dialogue. Play listening track 8.12 (2 mins). Provide instructions: show Ss the material for the task (share the screen). Then, tell Ss they will be divided into groups. They will need to select the main idea of the conversation they have just heard. They will see 3 different options. They should discuss these alternatives with their classmates and decide which one expresses the main idea of the dialogue. Time: Tell Ss they will have 3 mins to finish this task. Send the Google form by chat to the whole class. Then, send Ss to their breakout rooms. While Ss are working in teams, monitor their discussion (turn off camera and microphone to avoid interrupting their work). Open class Feedback (2 mins) Close breakout rooms. All Ss are in the main room now. Show a Google slide with the right answer. Ask Ss to raise their hand if they got this answer correctly. Request one of those Ss to explain briefly how they noticed this was the right alternative. Ask: "How did you realize this was the right choice? What kind of clues, expressions or comments in the conversation led you to think this was the main idea? Can you give some examples?". The student explains orally. Clarify the explanation to make sure all the learners understand the reasons.

While Listening #2 (10-15 minutes) • To train students to look for specific information in the dialogue (listening track) and to identify individual words.

Provide instructions: Share the screen and show the task to the whole class. Tell Ss they will listen to the conversation again. Explain that this time they should complete the extract from the listening track with the words from the box. Tell Ss they will work on this individually and provide the time for the task (5 - 8 mins). Share the task (word document) in the chatbox with the whole class. When the 5 minutes are over, ask the ss if they need more time. When the time is over, tell ss they will be divided into breakout rooms to check their answers with a classmate (3 mins). This will help them feel more comfortable and confident during the OC feedback. OC Feedback (4 mins) Prioritize in order to save time: focus on areas of difficulty. Display the correct answers on the screen, ask Ss if they had any difficulties with any of the questions: "did you have any specific difficulties when completing this task?" "is there anything you want to clarify?" "if you made any mistakes, let me know so that I can help you clarify that". Ss answer orally, for example, they will say: "I had number 1 wrong, I don't understand why the answer is particularly". Clarify and explain why that expression fits in that sentence: "we normally use particularly to refer to something specific (not general) and something that captures our attention. For example, in this case, they're saying that the contrast of old and new captured their attention, impressed them". Continue clarifying other items if there's enough time.

Post-Listening (3-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text orally, expand on what they've learned and personalize the lesson; connect it to their own experience.

Share the screen with the students and show them the instructions of the task. Tell them that they will now think of an art exhibition, musical, play, film or another event they have been to recently. Explain they should make a note of what they liked and didn't like (1 min). Tell ss they will work in groups and they should explain the event using the language in the box. Tell ss to take a screen shot of the language box, before sending them to the breakout rooms. Tell ss they have 3 mins. Divide them in breakout rooms. OC Feedback (Delayed Error Correction - DEC). while the ss are working in teams, monitor the groups and take notes about mistakes in pronunciation and use of vocabulary (or lack of lexis). Once the 3 mins are over, correct errors with ss: show them how to pronounce the word correctly - model and ask them to repeat. If they showed a lack of vocabulary, give them one or two expressions they can use to express that idea. Share the words and expressions by chat with the whole class.

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