Diana Diana

Teaching Listening: Listening for gist. Listening for specific information.


Abc Listening 1
Abc Independent work source

Main Aims

  • to study main characteristics of the Teaching Listening: Listening for gist. Listening for specific information.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to develop listening for specific information skill through business related vocabulary terms


Warmer/Lead-in (2-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T hands each student a sheet of 'Find someone who' and instructs ss that they can ask each person questions asked in a sheet. Then T randomly selects a ss and askes to answer who is the person no1 in their list and that no1 ss answers the first question

Exposure (3-6 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Discussion part with ss and asking if they understood the HW and to work on troublesome questions

Task (5-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

After discussion, T starts practical part of the lesson Demonstartion lesson. Introduces aim (specification of the skill is hide because ss should indicate it after completing the task based on their theoretical and practical knowledge) Meeting-time method is for pairing the ss.

Planning (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' reports

Ss discusses in pairs, answers to the questions (12:00 pair). Ex.1 is done in pairs (3:00 pair) Ex.2 is individual task. Ex.3 in pairs (6:00 pair) (T may show the task but miss this if time is too short) Check the answers. After completing all the tasks T asks ss what listening skill was developed during the practical part = Listening for specific information. Aim is revealed.

Report (5-15 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went

Independent work. 2 pair groups can collaborate with each other and form a group of 4. Each group chooses a card and develops a Listening activity (Listening for Gist or Listening for Specific Information) according to a card. Time limit for preparartion: 3-5 mins Podcast listening Listening to music Listening to dialogue x2 Listening to monologue

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