Copy of Copy of "Robberies" TP 3 Session 3/3
İntermediate level

Main Aims
To provide fluency practice for integrated listening and speaking skills through pair work discussions in a semi-controlled activity and in another freer speaking activity in the context of robberies.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist listening practice using a movie clip about robberies.
To provide scan listening (listening for specific information) practice using a movie clip about robberies.
To provide review and clarification of vocatulary in the context of robberies and movie clips.
Procedure (40-52 minutes)
Ask students if they can remember what word was talked about yesterday - "İf someone takes something that is not theirs" - elicit the word "Thief" - Ask students if they know another word with the same meaning ("Steals"), another one.. Show pic of bank robbery. - Ask students if they have had any experience with "Robbery" - or being robbed. - does anyone remember any movies about robberies - generate discussion to attempt to generate vocabulary words relevant to the topic and upcoming video clips.
SEE SEPERATE LANGUAGE ANALYSIS SHEET - nuts - timer - vault - invent - rob - grab - conquer - mystery - “pull it off” - witty - bright - Smuggle - Suckers
- Ask students if they now or can remember any film where the characters decide to rob a casino - KEEP this short - Tell the students that we will be watching a clip from the film "Oceans 11" - ask if anyone can remember what happens in the movie briefly - Tell the students that we will watch a scene where Brad Pitt and George Cloony’s characters go and ask and old friend for help. While watching the film - “What is the general message their friend is telling them?” - Ask ICQ’s “Do İ want the details?” “Do want to know what he is eating” - After the clip, lead class in discussion – try to elicit the advice vocabulary taught in a recent lesson e.g. “You should not… because” - İf necessary play clip again – but i do not anticipate this.
- Ask students if they now or can remember any film where a robbery TAKES PLACE İN İTALY – MINI COOPERS - KEEP this short - Tell the students that we will be watching a clip from the film "The İtalian Job" - ask if anyone can remember what happens in the movie briefly - Tells the students that we will watch a scene where members of the group are preparing for the robbery. - tell the students that the two men in the car need something from the blond woman. - "What do they need?" "They need two things" - "İ want you to work İndividually. Write your answers down on a piece of paper and don't show your friends or classmates" "They will say what they need more than once, so keep listening" Ask CCQ's "Does the woman need something from the men?" "How many things do the men need?" "Will you tell or show your friend the answers?" - Play clip - Check responses and play clip again if necessary (if some students did not get the answer. POSSİBLE VARİATİON (if class is large) - At the end of the clip check paper answers randomly - mix of stronger and weaker students - İf some students got wrong answer or did not get any answer - play the clip again İf all/most students got the answer then ask one to reveal one of the items needed by the men, and another student to reveal the other item. ANSWER: Service van and shirt
- Tell students that we will now watch the third film clip. - tell them that we will watch the clip a second time but I want them to try to remember what happens in the clip. - While watching i want them to try to hear "why does he put the items in his pocket?" - PLAY CLIP - have a discussion WC to get feedback. "Airline food is for suckers" ANSWER
- Tell the students that they will now watch some of the Pink Panther Clip again - Pause the video mid- way at the end of the tutor scene before the airport scene - ask the student to get into pairs Talk with your partner about what happens next..."What do the characters say?" "What happens?" - İ will monitor and note any errors İ hear - Get feedback WC - Address any noted errors WC.. try to elicit answers from students themselves
- ask students "would you have done it like that?" - elicit "İ would...." - review some functional language related to giving advice by asking "what advice would you give to the character?" - See how many they can remember of the functional advice giving sentences. Ask students to get into pairs - try to mix pairs up - ask one student to be the Inspector Clouseau character in the film and listen to their friend tell them what they would do if they were in the situation of Inspector Clouseau and give advice to their partner - tell students that when İ squeeze the squeaky toy İ want them to switch places. Ask İCQ's - get feedback from students in a WC discussion.