Michael Galant Michael Galant

TP1 - Galant
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about the use of the possessive "'s" with a particular focus on distinguishing this from the use of "'s" in contractions. This grammatical lesson is taught in the context of family relationships - e.g. "Bill is Pat's husband." In the lesson, students both read and come up with their own family relationship sentences and are asked to distinguish between the uses of "'s". Students will also work on their listening skills through the use of a recording on the subject.


Abc Recording 2.9

Main Aims

  • To introduce possessive 's in the context of families and to help Ss distinguish between this and apostrophe 's in contractions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening
  • Family vocabulary


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To invoke previous lesson (on family relationships) to set context of family and possessive relationships.

Ss sitting at desks. T chests family tree HO, elicits "family" topic from Ss. T distributes family tree HO. T writes example of family relationship on WB (e.g. Bill is Pat's Husband). T asks Ss for more examples. T writes examples on WB. FB: T corrects any mistakes in examples written on WB.

Introduction to Grammar (8-12 minutes) • To introduce/lead-into the topic of the use of 's.

T writes ex5 #1 on WB, asks class if it is true or false. T asks for correct sentence, writing correction on WB. T chests ex5 HO, telling students to do the same with these sentences as was just done on the WB. Ss are to work on their own. T distributes HO. Ss complete ex5 while T writes the sentences on WB. FB: Sentence by sentence, T asks if sentence is correct. If so, T puts check. If false, T asks class for correct answer and writes it on WB. T erases all sentences but #6, elicits from Ss what the 's means. T uses incorrect examples (e.g. Bill is Pat is husband) to emphasize point. T writes examples of 's meaning is and has got from ex 6 on WB: "Kate's her sister." "She's got a brother." Elicits meanings of 's, again using incorrect examples for emphasis.

Clarification of Grammar (8-12 minutes) • To further clarify and go over meanings of 's.

T writes ex4 #1 on WB, asks students where to put 's. T chests ex4 HO, emphasizing to fold it in half, and only do 4a. ICQ: Do we do 4b? (No). T distributes HO. Ss complete HO on own. T writes 4a sentences on board, then walks around to monitor activity. FB: T asks Ss to come to WB to put in 's, asking class if it is correct between each sentence. If incorrect, T asks class why. T writes "is, has, possessive" on WB above sentences. T uses #1 on board as example, elicits meaning of 's. Chests ex4, asks students to complete ex4b on own. Ss complete ex4b on their own. T monitors. FB: T asks Ss to come to write is, has, or possessive. Asks class if it is correct. If incorrect, T writes out incorrect contraction to demonstrate why.

Listening (12-16 minutes) • To provide listening practice in the context of family vocab and possessive relationships.

T chests ex9 pictures. T sets context from ex9a: "Kate wants to show her new boyfriend, Tim, some photos". T instructs Ss to get in pairs and make guesses about family relationships in the photos, writing them down. T writes "I think this is Kate's brother Max" on board as example. ICQ: "I think this (points to picture of baby) is Kate's father?" (No). T distributes ex9 pictures. T monitors as students guess. T instructs Ss to listen to recording for 9b, and see if their guesses were correct. T uses example on board as example, gesturing to listen, then check (with checkmark or x). T asks for comprehension of instructions. T plays recording 2.9 while students listen. T plays recording a second time. T instructs Ss to peer check. FB: T chests pictures. Points to each, in turn, and asks Ss for the correct relationships. T writes ex9c #1 on board, asks Ss to remember what they heard, and choose which word is correct. T chests ex9c. T instructs students to complete 9c on their own from what they remember. T distributes 9c. T then instructs Ss to listen again and finish 9c. T plays recording again while they check. T asks if students need to hear recording again, and plays it if necessary. FB: T reads each sentence aloud, asking class to answer as a whole.

Speaking and Listening Practice (7-10 minutes) • To develop speaking and conversation skills in the context of families and the possessive 's.

T writes 5 names on WB and elicits questions from Ss that one might ask about those names (e.g. "Who is Dorothy?" "How old is Peter?"). T writes some question examples on the board. T tells Ss to make list of 5 people in their families. T instructs Ss to get into pairs and give their partner their list, then ask questions such as those on the WB. Ss speak in pairs while T monitors for use of TL. (Exercise comes from face2face students' book, page 17, exercise 11. Material/HO not used). FB: T asks Ss what they learned about their partners. FB (if time): T writes incorrect uses of TL from exercise on WB, and asks students to correct them.

Related/Additional Grammar - If-time Exercise • To further expand on grammatical lesson in the case of extra time.

As suggested in the face2face teachers' book, T will use extra time to expand on and clarify certain points about the use of 's. T draws small family tree on WB. T asks "Who is Dorothy?". Responses "Dorothy is Mike's mother" and "Dorothy is Liz's mother" are both correct. T writes both sentences on WB. T then writes "Dorothy is Liz and Mike mother" on board and asks Ss where 's should be. T explains that for multiple possessives, 's is only put on the second word. T asks CCQ's using same family tree.

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