shirin soleimani shirin soleimani

Family tree
Elementary level


In this lesson,students will review some vocabularies of family and practice possesive's and have,has got followed by a picture of my family tree.


Abc Handouts,teacher made material

Main Aims

  • To give students controlled practice of family vocab, possesive's and have/has got

Subsidiary Aims

  • Intergrated skills reading,listening and speaking


warmer (2-3 minutes) • To know eachothers' siblings

I will ask students to stand in a circle and ask each other's " How many sisters or brothers do you have?" I will ask students "How many sisters or brothers do you have? FB:If anyone remembers sam's siblings?

Lead in (5-10 minutes) • To set teacher made material and engage students

I will stick my family tree on WB which I made it by a cardboard,I will tell Ss to guess my family members like father,mother. FB:In pair Ss talk about my family members FB:CCQ:Are you going to talk bout your family?No Are you going to write ?No

semi controlled reading practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide semi controlled reading practice of the lexis and grammar

chest HO and show Molly and Steves's family.Then I divided the class in two groups A and B.Tell them to read information and write the names of Mally and Steves' fmilies onto family tree.Ss work in pairs to put the names. ICQ:Are you going to write your family names on to family tree?Are you going to work in group? FB:check in group FB:I will elicit and drill some useful questions e.g. Who's Molly's father?

Semi controlled speaking practice (10-15 minutes) • To give a chance to practice the TL

Regroup into A and B (they can sit opposite of each other).Then they ask and answer questions to complete the tree.I will monitor them and make sure they are using the TL.

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