Kathy Kathy

Elementary level


Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist and detail in the context of changing technology.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to develop their speaking skills by describing their new devices and activities they can do with them.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

•T. shows some pictures of different devices and has Ss. talk about 1 question related to the topic of the lesson "Changing technology". Ex: What changed? (1 min) •Elicit suggestions from Ss, concept check colour, black and white, flat screen, live TV. Drill In the past, we had ... and Now we've got...... (2 min) •T. writes the answers on a zoom board so everybody can see them. (1 min)

Pre-Reading (7-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

•T. let Ss. know they will be working on the first task related to some vocabulary from the reading of the lesson. •T. shares a link on zoom chat to a Google Slides presentation to pre-teach the following items from the reading: - Colour - Black and white - Live TV - Explain •Ss work in breakout rooms so they may match the words to the pictures. (3 min) •T. check answers with the whole group nominating Ss. (1 min) •To make it more accessible to Ss. T covers MFP on Google slides. (3 min)

While-Reading #1 (GIST READING) (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

•T. tells Ss. they have 3 minutes to read a text to get the general idea of it and choose the best headline so T. shares G form link in chat and has students do the exercise individually. (5min) •Ss. check the answers in pairs in breakout rooms. (2 min) Options: - The newest TV - Our first colour TV - Our favourite TV programme •T. checks answers with the whole class (OCFB). (1 min)

While-Reading #2 (DETAIL READING) (14-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

•T. shows task and tells Ss they have 6-7 min to read the text again and answer multiple choice questions. T. shares G-Form link in chat. ICQ: How long? 6 min. Do you read individually or in pairs? Individually. When time is up, ask Ss to submit responses. •Ss compare answers in pairs in BORs (2-3 min) •OCFB: T. shares Google Form responses and puts answers on Slide to confirm. (4-5 min) 1) How many children has Gavin got? 2) When was Gavin a child? 3) When did his family get their first colour TV? 4) What did his family do that evening? 5) What type of TV has Gavin got now?

Post-Reading (9-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

•T. shares final slide where Ss. discuss the following question in breakout rooms: What's your favourite device? Can you describe it? What can you do with it? Give an example: (1 min) My favourite device is my laptop. It's black and very useful. It's got a big screen. I can do homework, watch movies online and download them, listen to music, make video calls, search for information and play video games. •T. gives Ss a slide each and lets them write for 3 min •T. has Ss share their answers in pairs in BORs and monitors while Ss. speak. (2 min) •OCFB. After the Follow-up T. will nominate some Ss. to share their classmates or their own opinions about the questions. •T. shares a G slide to write down mistakes heard during the follow up and asks Ss. for corrections first. DEC focus on relevant vocabulary and verb form: o My favourite device is .... o It's / They're... o It's got .../ They've got ...

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