Diane Riley Diane Riley

TP #1a
Beginner level


In this lesson, students will practice the functional language of numbers through reading and listening exercises about telephone numbers. The lesson starts with a review of numbers. This is followed by listening tasks and pair work. The lesson will end with a speaking and role play activity.


Abc Handouts
Abc CD

Main Aims

  • To provide controlled speaking practice of functional language of telephone numbers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Review of the present simple tense, Wh question forms and listening for specific information.


Warmer/ Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context. Ensure knowledge of students names.

Ensure seating is in a line or horseshoe pattern. Greet the students and introduce myself. Ask Sts to tell me their names so I can repeat them back to ensure proper pronunciation. Sts will count around the class 1-20. Depending on their abilities I may do a drill of the numbers with them.

Exposure (7-10 minutes) • To introduce the target language for the lesson and practice gist listening

Listening task 1 Show pictures from page 10. (Ask students to tell me what the pictures are.) Sts will listen to four conversations (1.14) and match them to the pictures show on the HO. Play conversations 2/3 times according to their needs. Give corrections to students by writing them on the white board. Listen to conversations one at a time.

Further language introduction (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the functional language through reading and listening for specific information.

Reading and listening activity. Show students functional language exercise 1 and ask them to read it quietly. Play the lesson (1.15) 2-3 times. Ask 2 sts to read the conversation aloud. Repeat with another pair. Drill phrases if necessary. What's your phone number? My phone number is ....

Controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • Use of the Target language

Listen and repeat exercise. Play functional language exercise 2 (1.16) 2/ 3 times for the students to listen. Play it again stopping after each number and ask a student to repeat the number next use drilling of the number with the whole class.

Semi-controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • Further practice of the TL

Using functional language exercise 3 students will work in pairs asking "What is your phone number?" And respond with their phone number. Using WB write two possible ways of answering. Try to elicit the words from the students. My phone number is......... It is......... It's........... Sorry I don't have one.

Controlled practice (5-10 minutes) • To add to the language from the previous lessons and continue to practice speaking.

Have the students read speaking exercise 1 silently. Play conversation 2/3 times (1.19) One pair of students will read the conversation out loud. Drill the sentences with the whole class. Emphasize the contractions to make it sound more natural.

Semi controlled (10-15 minutes) • To allow the student to use the language they have acquired during the lesson in a natural way.

Roleplay exercise Divide class in to groups ( group size will be dependant on the amount of students attending) Try to separate the class in to groups that are not the sts sitting next to them. Demo card game to students: Show the four groups of cards. Three groups of phone numbers: work, home, mobile and one set of picture cards. Each group will get one pile of each of the four groups. The three piles of telephone cards will be placed face down on the table. The student will chose a picture card and then ask their partner the question according to the picture eg. "What is your mobile number?". I will chose a card from the appropriate number pile and give my number. Some of the cards will be blank so the answer will be " Sorry, I don't have one." The students will now do the activity taking turns asking and answering questions until all the cards have been used.

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